Source code for syncopy.datatype.methods.definetrial

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Set/update trial settings of Syncopy data objects

# Builtin/3rd party package imports
import sys
import numpy as np

# Local imports
from syncopy.shared.parsers import data_parser, array_parser, scalar_parser
from syncopy.shared.errors import SPYTypeError, SPYValueError
from ...datatype.util import TimeIndexer

__all__ = ["definetrial"]

[docs]def definetrial( obj, trialdefinition=None, pre=None, post=None, start=None, trigger=None, stop=None, clip_edges=False, ): """(Re-)define trials of a Syncopy data object Data can be structured into trials based on timestamps of a start, trigger and end events:: start trigger stop |---- pre ----|--------|---------|--- post----| **Note**: To define a trial encompassing the whole dataset simply invoke this routine with no arguments, i.e., ``definetrial(obj)`` or equivalently ``obj.definetrial()`` Parameters ---------- obj : Syncopy data object (:class:`BaseData`-like) trialdefinition : :class:`EventData` object or Mx3 array [start, stop, trigger_offset] sample indices for `M` trials pre : float offset time (s) before start event post : float offset time (s) after end event start : int event code (id) to be used for start of trial stop : int event code (id) to be used for end of trial trigger : event code (id) to be used center (t=0) of trial clip_edges : bool trim trials to actual data-boundaries. Returns ------- Syncopy data object (:class:`BaseData`-like)) Notes ----- :func:`definetrial` supports the following argument combinations: >>> # define M trials based on [start, end, offset] indices >>> definetrial(obj, trialdefinition=[M x 3] array) >>> # define trials based on event codes stored in <:class:`EventData` object> >>> definetrial(obj, trialdefinition=<EventData object>, pre=0, post=0, start=startCode, stop=stopCode, trigger=triggerCode) >>> # apply same trial definition as defined in <:class:`EventData` object> >>> definetrial(<AnalogData object>, trialdefinition=<EventData object w/sampleinfo/t0/trialinfo>) >>> # define whole recording as single trial >>> definetrial(obj, trialdefinition=None) """ # Start by vetting input object data_parser(obj, varname="obj") if is None: lgl = "non-empty Syncopy data object" act = "empty Syncopy data object" raise SPYValueError(legal=lgl, varname="obj", actual=act) # Check array/object holding trial specifications if trialdefinition is not None: if trialdefinition.__class__.__name__ == "EventData": data_parser(trialdefinition, varname="trialdefinition", writable=None, empty=False) evt = True else: array_parser(trialdefinition, varname="trialdefinition", dims=2) if any(["ContinuousData" in str(base) for base in obj.__class__.__mro__]): scount =[obj.dimord.index("time")] else: scount = np.inf array_parser( trialdefinition[:, :2], varname="sampleinfo", dims=(None, 2), hasnan=False, hasinf=False, ntype="int_like", lims=[0, scount], ) trl = np.array(trialdefinition, dtype="float") ref = obj tgt = obj evt = False else: # Construct object-class-specific `trl` arrays treating data-set as single trial if any(["ContinuousData" in str(base) for base in obj.__class__.__mro__]): trl = np.array([[0,[obj.dimord.index("time")], 0]]) else: sidx = obj.dimord.index("sample") trl = np.array([[np.nanmin([:, sidx]), np.nanmax([:, sidx]), 0]]) ref = obj tgt = obj evt = False # AnalogData + EventData w/sampleinfo if obj.__class__.__name__ == "AnalogData" and evt and trialdefinition.sampleinfo is not None: if obj.samplerate is None or trialdefinition.samplerate is None: lgl = "non-`None` value - make sure `samplerate` is set before defining trials" act = "None" raise SPYValueError(legal=lgl, varname="samplerate", actual=act) ref = trialdefinition tgt = obj trl = np.array(ref.trialinfo) t0 = np.array(ref._t0).reshape((ref._t0.size, 1)) trl = np.hstack([ref.sampleinfo, t0, trl]) trl = np.round((trl / ref.samplerate) * tgt.samplerate).astype(int) # AnalogData + EventData w/keywords or just EventData w/keywords if any([kw is not None for kw in [pre, post, start, trigger, stop]]): # Make sure we actually have valid data objects to work with if obj.__class__.__name__ == "EventData" and evt is False: ref = obj tgt = obj elif obj.__class__.__name__ == "AnalogData" and evt is True: ref = trialdefinition tgt = obj else: lgl = "AnalogData with associated EventData object" act = "{} and {}".format(obj.__class__.__name__, trialdefinition.__class__.__name__) raise SPYValueError(legal=lgl, actual=act, varname="input") # The only case we might actually need it: ensure `clip_edges` is valid if not isinstance(clip_edges, bool): raise SPYTypeError(clip_edges, varname="clip_edges", expected="Boolean") # Ensure that objects have their sampling-rates set, otherwise break if ref.samplerate is None or tgt.samplerate is None: lgl = "non-`None` value - make sure `samplerate` is set before defining trials" act = "None" raise SPYValueError(legal=lgl, varname="samplerate", actual=act) # Get input dimensions szin = [] for var in [pre, post, start, trigger, stop]: if isinstance(var, (np.ndarray, list)): szin.append(len(var)) if np.unique(szin).size > 1: lgl = "all trial-related arrays to have the same length" act = "arrays with sizes {}".format(str(np.unique(szin)).replace("[", "").replace("]", "")) raise SPYValueError(legal=lgl, varname="trial-keywords", actual=act) if len(szin): ntrials = szin[0] ninc = 1 else: ntrials = 1 ninc = 0 # If both `pre` and `start` or `post` and `stop` are `None`, abort if (pre is None and start is None) or (post is None and stop is None): lgl = "`pre` or `start` and `post` or `stop` to be not `None`" act = "both `pre` and `start` and/or `post` and `stop` are simultaneously `None`" raise SPYValueError(legal=lgl, actual=act) if (trigger is None) and (pre is not None or post is not None): lgl = "non-None `trigger` with `pre`/`post` timing information" act = "`trigger` = `None`" raise SPYValueError(legal=lgl, actual=act) # If provided, ensure keywords make sense, otherwise allocate defaults kwrds = {} vdict = { "pre": {"var": pre, "hasnan": False, "ntype": None, "fillvalue": 0}, "post": {"var": post, "hasnan": False, "ntype": None, "fillvalue": 0}, "start": { "var": start, "hasnan": None, "ntype": "int_like", "fillvalue": np.nan, }, "trigger": { "var": trigger, "hasnan": None, "ntype": "int_like", "fillvalue": np.nan, }, "stop": { "var": stop, "hasnan": None, "ntype": "int_like", "fillvalue": np.nan, }, } for vname, opts in vdict.items(): if opts["var"] is not None: if np.issubdtype(type(opts["var"]), np.number): try: scalar_parser( opts["var"], varname=vname, ntype=opts["ntype"], lims=[-np.inf, np.inf], ) except Exception as exc: raise exc opts["var"] = np.full((ntrials,), opts["var"]) else: try: array_parser( opts["var"], varname=vname, hasinf=False, hasnan=opts["hasnan"], ntype=opts["ntype"], dims=(ntrials,), ) except Exception as exc: raise exc kwrds[vname] = opts["var"] else: kwrds[vname] = np.full((ntrials,), opts["fillvalue"]) # Prepare `trl` and convert event-codes + sample-numbers to lists trl = [] evtid = list([:, ref.dimord.index("eventid")]) evtsp = list([:, ref.dimord.index("sample")]) nevents = len(evtid) searching = True trialno = 0 cnt = 0 act = "" # Do this line-by-line: halt on error (if event-id is not found in `ref`) while searching: # Allocate begin and end of trial begin = None end = None t0 = 0 idxl = [] # First, try to assign `start`, then `t0` if not np.isnan(kwrds["start"][trialno]): try: sidx = evtid.index(kwrds["start"][trialno]) except: act = str(kwrds["start"][trialno]) vname = "start" break begin = evtsp[sidx] / ref.samplerate evtid[sidx] = -np.pi idxl.append(sidx) if not np.isnan(kwrds["trigger"][trialno]): try: idx = evtid.index(kwrds["trigger"][trialno]) except: act = str(kwrds["trigger"][trialno]) vname = "trigger" break t0 = evtsp[idx] / ref.samplerate evtid[idx] = -np.pi idxl.append(idx) # Trial-begin is either `trigger - pre` or `start - pre` if begin is not None: begin -= kwrds["pre"][trialno] else: begin = t0 - kwrds["pre"][trialno] # Try to assign `stop`, if we got nothing, use `t0 + post` if not np.isnan(kwrds["stop"][trialno]): evtid[:sidx] = [np.pi] * sidx try: idx = evtid.index(kwrds["stop"][trialno]) except: act = str(kwrds["stop"][trialno]) vname = "stop" break end = evtsp[idx] / ref.samplerate + kwrds["post"][trialno] evtid[idx] = -np.pi idxl.append(idx) else: end = t0 + kwrds["post"][trialno] # Off-set `t0` t0 -= begin # Make sure current trial setup makes (some) sense if begin >= end: lgl = "non-overlapping trial begin-/end-samples" act = "trial-begin at {}, trial-end at {}".format(str(begin), str(end)) raise SPYValueError(legal=lgl, actual=act) # Finally, write line of `trl` trl.append([begin, end, t0]) # Update counters and end this mess when we're done trialno += ninc cnt += 1 evtsp = evtsp[max(idxl, default=-1) + 1 :] evtid = evtid[max(idxl, default=-1) + 1 :] if trialno == ntrials or cnt == nevents: searching = False # Abort if the above loop ran into troubles if len(trl) < ntrials: if len(act) > 0: raise SPYValueError(legal="existing event-id", varname=vname, actual=act) # Make `trl` a NumPy array trl = np.round(np.array(trl) * tgt.samplerate).astype(int) # If appropriate, clip `trl` to AnalogData object's bounds (if wanted) if clip_edges and evt: msk = trl[:, 0] < 0 trl[msk, 0] = 0 dmax =[tgt.dimord.index("time")] msk = trl[:, 1] > dmax trl[msk, 1] = dmax if np.any(trl[:, 0] >= trl[:, 1]): lgl = "non-overlapping trials" act = "some trials are overlapping after clipping to AnalogData object range" raise SPYValueError(legal=lgl, actual=act) # The triplet `sampleinfo`, `t0` and `trialinfo` works identically for # all data genres if trl.shape[1] < 3: raise SPYValueError( "array of shape (no. of trials, 3+)", varname="trialdefinition", actual="shape = {shp:s}".format(shp=str(trl.shape)), ) # Finally: assign `sampleinfo`, `t0` and `trialinfo` (and potentially `trialid`) # use target class setter tgt.trialdefinition = trl # In the discrete case, we have some additinal work to do if any(["DiscreteData" in str(base) for base in tgt.__class__.__mro__]): # Compute trial-IDs by matching data samples with provided trial-bounds samples =[:, tgt.dimord.index("sample")] idx = np.searchsorted(samples, tgt.sampleinfo.ravel()) idx = idx.reshape(tgt.sampleinfo.shape) tgt._trialslice = [slice(st, end) for st, end in idx] tgt.trialid = np.full((samples.shape), -1, dtype=int) for itrl, itrl_slice in enumerate(tgt._trialslice): tgt.trialid[itrl_slice] = itrl # Write log entry if ref == tgt: ref.log = ( "updated trial-definition with [" + " x ".join([str(numel) for numel in trl.shape]) + "] element array" ) else: ref_log = ref._log.replace("\n\n", "\n\t") tgt.log = "trial-definition extracted from EventData object: " tgt._log += ref_log tgt.cfg = { "method": sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, "EventData object": ref.cfg, } ref.log = "updated trial-defnition of {} object".format(tgt.__class__.__name__) return