
syncopy.definetrial(obj, trialdefinition=None, pre=None, post=None, start=None, trigger=None, stop=None, clip_edges=False)[source]#

(Re-)define trials of a Syncopy data object

Data can be structured into trials based on timestamps of a start, trigger and end events:

            start    trigger    stop
|---- pre ----|--------|---------|--- post----|

Note: To define a trial encompassing the whole dataset simply invoke this routine with no arguments, i.e., definetrial(obj) or equivalently obj.definetrial()

  • obj (Syncopy data object (BaseData-like)) –

  • trialdefinition (EventData object or Mx3 array) – [start, stop, trigger_offset] sample indices for M trials

  • pre (float) – offset time (s) before start event

  • post (float) – offset time (s) after end event

  • start (int) – event code (id) to be used for start of trial

  • stop (int) – event code (id) to be used for end of trial

  • trigger – event code (id) to be used center (t=0) of trial

  • clip_edges (bool) – trim trials to actual data-boundaries.

Return type:

Syncopy data object (BaseData-like))


definetrial() supports the following argument combinations:

>>> # define M trials based on [start, end, offset] indices
>>> definetrial(obj, trialdefinition=[M x 3] array)
>>> # define trials based on event codes stored in <:class:`EventData` object>
>>> definetrial(obj, trialdefinition=<EventData object>,
                pre=0, post=0, start=startCode, stop=stopCode,
>>> # apply same trial definition as defined in <:class:`EventData` object>
>>> definetrial(<AnalogData object>,
                trialdefinition=<EventData object w/sampleinfo/t0/trialinfo>)
>>> # define whole recording as single trial
>>> definetrial(obj, trialdefinition=None)