Source code for syncopy.datatype.methods.redefinetrial

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Update trialdefintions/time axis of Syncopy data objects
# akin to ft_redefinetrial

# Builtin/3rd party package imports
import numpy as np
from numbers import Number

# Local imports
import syncopy as spy
from syncopy.shared.kwarg_decorators import unwrap_cfg
from syncopy.shared.parsers import data_parser, array_parser, scalar_parser
from syncopy.shared.errors import SPYTypeError, SPYValueError, SPYError
from import get_defaults, get_frontend_cfg

__all__ = ["redefinetrial"]

[docs]@unwrap_cfg def redefinetrial( data_obj, trials=None, minlength=None, offset=None, toilim=None, begsample=None, endsample=None, trl=None, ): """ This function allows you to adjust the time axis of your data, i.e. to change from stimulus-locked to response-locked. Furthermore, it allows you to select a time window of interest, or to resegment your long trials into shorter fragments. Parameters ---------- data_obj : Syncopy data object (:class:`BaseData`-like) trials : list or ndarray List of integers representing trial numbers to be selected minlength : float or str Minimum length of trials in seconds, can be 'maxperlen'. Trials which are shorter get thrown out. toilim : [begin, end] specify latency window in seconds, to cut out a time window of interest from each trial. offset : int or Mx1 ndarray Realign the time axes of all trials to a new reference time point (i.e. change the definition of t=0). Expressed in samples relative to current t=0. begsample : int or Mx1 ndarray of ints Specify the begin sample for each trial (see also `endsample`). Expressed in samples relative to the start of the input trial. endsample : int or Mx1 ndarray of ints Specify the end sample for each trial (see also `begsample`). Expressed in samples relative to the start of the input trial. trl : Mx3 ndarray New trial definition. [start, stop, trigger_offset] sample indices for `M` trials Returns ------- ret_obj : Syncopy data object (:class:`BaseData`-like)) Notes ----- This is a compatibility function, mimicking ``ft_redefinetrial``. However, if selected sample ranges (via ``toilim`` or ``trl``) are (partially) outside of the available data, an error is thrown. This is different to FieldTrips' implementation, where missing data is filled up with NaNs. See also -------- definetrial : :func:`~syncopy.definetrial` Manipulate the trial definition selectdata : :func:`~syncopy.selectdata` Select along general attributes like channel, frequency, etc. `FieldTrip's redefinetrial <https://>` """ # Start by vetting input object data_parser(data_obj, varname="data_obj", empty=False) defaults = get_defaults(redefinetrial) lcls = locals() new_cfg = get_frontend_cfg(defaults, lcls, kwargs={}) # -- sort out mutually exclusive parameters -- vals = [new_cfg[par] for par in ["minlength", "toilim", "begsample", "trl"]] if vals.count(None) < 3: msg = "either `minlength` or `begsample`/`endsample` or `trl` or `toilim`" raise SPYError("Incompatible input arguments, " + msg) # now we made sure only one of the 4 parameters above is set. # total number of samples scount =[data_obj._stackingDim] # -- first select trials -- if trials is not None: array_parser(trials, dims=1, ntype=int) ret_obj = spy.selectdata(data_obj, trials=trials) else: # copy in any case, that's the difference to definetrial ret_obj = spy.copy(data_obj) # -- apply latency window -- if toilim is not None: array_parser(toilim, dims=(2,)) # use latency selection mechanic ret_obj = spy.selectdata(ret_obj, latency=toilim) elif minlength is not None: scalar_parser(minlength, varname="minlength", lims=[0, np.inf]) min_samples = int(minlength * data_obj.samplerate) trl_sel = [] for trl_idx, trial in enumerate(ret_obj.trials): nSamples = trial.shape[data_obj._stackingDim] if nSamples >= min_samples: trl_sel.append(trl_idx) spy.log( f"discarding {len(data_obj.trials) - len(trl_sel)} trials", level="INFO", caller="redefinetrial", ) if len(trl_sel) == 0: spy.log( "No trial fits the desired `minlength`, returning empty object!", caller="redefinetrial", ) return data_obj.__class__() ret_obj = spy.selectdata(ret_obj, trials=trl_sel) # helper variable new_trldef = ret_obj.trialdefinition # -- OR manipulate sampleinfo -- if new_cfg["trl"] is not None: vals = [new_cfg[par] for par in ["begsample", "endsample", "offset"]] if vals.count(None) < 3: msg = "either complete trialdefinition `trl` or " "`begsample`/`endsample` and `offset`" raise SPYError("Incompatible input arguments, " + msg) # accepts also lists array_parser(trl, varname="trl") trl = np.array(trl) # to allow simple single trial definitions if trl.ndim == 1: trl = trl[None, :] if trl.ndim != 2: lgl = "2-dimensional array" act = f"{trl.ndim} array" raise SPYValueError(lgl, "trl", act) new_trldef = trl # selecting trials and applying a new trialdefinition in one go # is rather dangerous, but possible.. elif begsample is not None or endsample is not None: vals = [new_cfg[par] for par in ["begsample", "endsample"]] if vals.count(None) != 0: lgl = "both `begsample` and `endsample`" act = f"got [{begsample}, {endsample}]" raise SPYValueError(lgl, "begsample/endsample", act) try: begsample = np.array(begsample, dtype=int) except ValueError: raise SPYTypeError(begsample, "begsample", "integer number or array") try: endsample = np.array(endsample, dtype=int) except ValueError: raise SPYTypeError(endsample, "endsample", "scalar or array") if np.any(begsample < 0): lgl = "integers >= 0" act = "relative `begsample` < 0" raise SPYValueError(lgl, "begsample", act) if begsample.size != 1 and begsample.size != len(new_trldef): raise SPYValueError( f"scalar or array of length {len(new_trldef)}", "begsample/endsample", "wrong sized `begsample`", ) if begsample.size != endsample.size: raise SPYValueError("same sizes for `begsample/endsample`", "", "different sizes") if np.any(new_trldef[:, 0] + endsample > scount): lgl = f"integers < {int(scount - new_trldef[:, 0].max())}" act = "out of range" raise SPYValueError(lgl, "endsample", act) # this also catches negative endsample if np.any(endsample - begsample < 0): raise SPYValueError("endsample > begsample", "begsample/endsample", "endsample < begsample") # construct new trialdefinition new_trldef[:, 1] = new_trldef[:, 0] + endsample new_trldef[:, 0] += begsample # -- manipulate offset -- if isinstance(offset, Number): new_trldef[:, 2] = np.ones(len(new_trldef)) * offset elif isinstance(offset, np.ndarray): if len(offset) != len(new_trldef): lgl = f"array of length {len(new_trldef)}" act = f"array of length {len(offset)}" raise SPYValueError(lgl, "offset", act) new_trldef[:, 2] = offset elif offset is None: pass else: raise SPYTypeError(offset, "offset", "scalar, array or None") # -- apply (new) trialdefinition -- array_parser(new_trldef, varname="trl", dims=2) array_parser( new_trldef[:, :2], varname="trl", dims=(None, 2), hasnan=False, hasinf=False, ntype="int_like", lims=[0, scount], ) # apply new trialdefinition and be done with it spy.definetrial(ret_obj, trialdefinition=new_trldef) # Attach potential older cfg's from the input # to support chained frontend calls. ret_obj.cfg.update(data_obj.cfg) # Attach frontend parameters for replay. ret_obj.cfg.update({"redefinetrial": new_cfg}) return ret_obj