Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Syncopy data slicing methods

# Builtin/3rd party package imports
import numpy as np

# Local imports
from syncopy.shared.errors import SPYInfo, SPYTypeError, SPYValueError

__all__ = ["show"]

[docs]def show(data, squeeze=True, **kwargs): """ Show (partial) contents of Syncopy object **Usage Notice** Syncopy uses HDF5 files as on-disk backing device for data storage. This allows working with larger-than-memory data-sets by streaming only relevant subsets of data from disk on demand without excessive RAM use. However, using :func:`` this mechanism is bypassed and the requested data subset is loaded into memory at once. Thus, inadvertent usage of :func:`` on a large data object can lead to memory overflow or even out-of-memory errors. **Usage Summary** Data selectors for showing subsets of Syncopy data objects follow the syntax of :func:`~syncopy.selectdata`. Please refer to :func:`~syncopy.selectdata` for a list of valid data selectors for respective Syncopy data objects. Parameters ---------- data : Syncopy data object As for subset-selection via :func:`~syncopy.selectdata`, the type of `data` determines which keywords can be used. Some keywords are only valid for certain types of Syncopy objects, e.g., "freqs" is not a valid selector for an :class:`~syncopy.AnalogData` object. squeeze : bool If `True` (default) any singleton dimensions are removed from the output array, i.e., the shape of the returned array does not contain ones (e.g., ``arr.shape = (2,)`` not ``arr.shape = (1,2,1,1)``). **kwargs : keywords Valid data selectors (e.g., `trials`, `channels`, `toi` etc.). Please refer to :func:`~syncopy.selectdata` for a full list of available data selectors. Returns ------- arr : NumPy nd-array A (selection) of data retrieved from the `data` input object. Notes ----- This routine represents a convenience function for quickly inspecting the contents of Syncopy objects. It is always possible to manually access an object's numerical data by indexing the underlying HDF5 dataset: `[idx]`. The dimension labels of the dataset are encoded in `data.dimord`, e.g., if `data` is a :class:`~syncopy.AnalogData` with `data.dimord` being `['time', 'channel']` and `` is `(15000, 16)`, then `[:, 3]` returns the contents of the fourth channel across all time points. Examples -------- Use :func:`~syncopy.tests.misc.generate_artificial_data` to create a synthetic :class:`syncopy.AnalogData` object. >>> from syncopy.tests.misc import generate_artificial_data >>> adata = generate_artificial_data(nTrials=10, nChannels=32) Show the contents of `'channel02'` across all trials: >>>, channel='channel02') Syncopy <show> INFO: Showing all times 10 trials Out[2]: array([1.0871, 0.7267, 0.2816, ..., 1.0273, 0.893 , 0.7226], dtype=float32) Note that this is equivalent to >>>'channel02') To preserve singleton dimensions use ``squeeze=False``: >>>'channel02', squeeze=False) Out[3]: array([[1.0871], [0.7267], [0.2816], ..., [1.0273], [0.893 ], [0.7226]], dtype=float32) See also -------- :func:`syncopy.selectdata` : Create a new Syncopy object from a selection """ # Account for pathological cases if is None: SPYInfo("Empty object, nothing to show") return # Parse single method-specific keyword if not isinstance(squeeze, bool): raise SPYTypeError(squeeze, varname="squeeze", expected="True or False") # show (hdf5 indexing that is) only supports simple, ordered indexing # we have to painstakingly check for this invalid = False for sel_key in kwargs: sel = kwargs[sel_key] # sequence type if np.array(sel).size != 1: # some selections can be strings # with no clear way of sorting ('chanY', 'chanX') if isinstance(sel[0], str): # temporary selection to extract numerical indices sel_kw = {sel_key: sel} data.selectdata(inplace=True, **sel_kw) # extract only channel indexing (index of an index :/) ch_idx2 = data.dimord.index(sel_key) # this is now numeric! ch_idx = data._preview_trial(0).idx[ch_idx2] data.selection = None # consecutive, ordered selections are suddenly a slice :/ # so all fine here actually if isinstance(ch_idx, slice): continue if np.any(np.diff(ch_idx) < 0) or len(set(ch_idx)) != len(sel): invalid = True # numeric selection, e.g. [0,4,2] else: if np.any(np.diff(sel) < 0) or len(set(sel)) != len(sel): invalid = True elif isinstance(sel, slice): if sel.start > sel.stop: invalid = True if invalid: lgl = f"unique and sorted `{sel_key}` indices" act = sel raise SPYValueError(lgl, "show kwargs", act) # Leverage `selectdata` to sanitize input and perform subset picking data.selectdata(inplace=True, **kwargs) # Truncate info message by removing any squeezed dimensions (if necessary) msg = data.selection.__str__().partition("with")[-1] if squeeze: removeKeys = ["one", "1 "] selectionTxt = np.array(msg.split(",")) txtMask = [all(qualifier not in selTxt for qualifier in removeKeys) for selTxt in selectionTxt] msg = "".join(selectionTxt[txtMask]) transform_out = np.squeeze else: transform_out = lambda x: x SPYInfo("Showing{}".format(msg)) # catch totally out of range toi selection has_time = True if "time" in data.dimord else False # Use an object's `_preview_trial` method fetch required indexing tuples idxList = [] for trlno in data.selection.trial_ids: # each dim has an entry, list only needed for mutability idxs = list(data._preview_trial(trlno).idx) # time/toi is a special case, all other dims get checked # beforehand, e.g. foi, channel, ... but out of range toi's get mapped # repeatedly to the last index, causing invalid hdf5 indexing if has_time: idx = idxs[data.dimord.index("time")] if not isinstance(idx, slice) and (len(idx) != len(set(idx))): lgl = "valid `toi` selection" act = sel raise SPYValueError(lgl, "show kwargs", act) for i, prop_idx in enumerate(idxs): if isinstance(prop_idx, list) and len(prop_idx) == 1: idxs[i] = prop_idx[0] idxList.append(tuple(idxs)) # Reset in-place subset selection data.selection = None # single trial selected if len(idxList) == 1: return transform_out([idxList[0]]) # return multiple trials as list else: return [transform_out([idx]) for idx in idxList]