Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Save Syncopy data objects to disk

# Builtin/3rd party package imports
import os
import json
import h5py
import shutil
import numpy as np
from collections import OrderedDict
import syncopy as spy

# Local imports
from syncopy.shared.filetypes import FILE_EXT
from syncopy.shared.parsers import filename_parser, data_parser
from syncopy.shared.errors import SPYIOError, SPYTypeError, SPYError, SPYWarning
from import hash_file, startInfoDict
from syncopy import __storage__

__all__ = ["save"]

[docs]def save(out, container=None, tag=None, filename=None, overwrite=False): r"""Save Syncopy data object to disk The underlying array data object is stored in a HDF5 file, the metadata in a JSON file. Both can be placed inside a Syncopy container, which is a regular directory with the extension '.spy'. Parameters ---------- out : Syncopy data object Object to be stored on disk. container : str Path to Syncopy container folder (\*.spy) to be used for saving. If omitted, the extension '.spy' will be added to the folder name. tag : str Tag to be appended to container basename filename : str Explicit path to data file. This is only necessary if the data should not be part of a container folder. An extension (\*.<dataclass>) is added if omitted. The `tag` argument is ignored. overwrite : bool If `True` an existing HDF5 file and its accompanying JSON file is overwritten (without prompt). Returns ------- Nothing : None Notes ------ Syncopy objects may also be saved using the class method ``.save`` that acts as a wrapper for :func:``, e.g., >>> save(obj, container="new_spy_container") is equivalent to >>>"new_spy_container") However, once a Syncopy object has been saved, the class method ``.save`` can be used as a shortcut to quick-save recent changes, e.g., >>> writes the current state of `obj` to the data/meta-data files on-disk associated with `obj` (overwriting both in the process). Similarly, >>>'newtag') saves `obj` in the current container 'new_spy_container' under a different tag. Examples -------- Save the Syncopy data object `obj` on disk in the current working directory without creating a spy-container >>>, filename="session1") >>> # --> os.getcwd()/session1.<dataclass> >>> # --> os.getcwd()/session1.<dataclass>.info Save `obj` without creating a spy-container using an absolute path >>>, filename="/tmp/session1") >>> # --> /tmp/session1.<dataclass> >>> # --> /tmp/session1.<dataclass>.info Save `obj` in a new spy-container created in the current working directory >>>, container="container.spy") >>> # --> os.getcwd()/container.spy/container.<dataclass> >>> # --> os.getcwd()/container.spy/container.<dataclass>.info Save `obj` in a new spy-container created by providing an absolute path >>>, container="/tmp/container.spy") >>> # --> /tmp/container.spy/container.<dataclass> >>> # --> /tmp/container.spy/container.<dataclass>.info Save `obj` in a new (or existing) spy-container under a different tag >>>, container="session1.spy", tag="someTag") >>> # --> os.getcwd()/session1.spy/session1_someTag.<dataclass> >>> # --> os.getcwd()/session1.spy/session1_someTag.<dataclass>.info See also -------- syncopy.load : load data created with :func:`` """ # Make sure `out` is a valid Syncopy data object data_parser(out, varname="out", writable=None, empty=False) if filename is None and container is None: raise SPYError("filename and container cannot both be `None`") if container is not None and filename is None: # construct filename from container name if not isinstance(container, str): raise SPYTypeError(container, varname="container", expected="str") if not os.path.splitext(container)[1] == ".spy": container += ".spy" fileInfo = filename_parser(container) filename = os.path.join(fileInfo["folder"], fileInfo["container"], fileInfo["basename"]) # handle tag if tag is not None: if not isinstance(tag, str): raise SPYTypeError(tag, varname="tag", expected="str") filename += "_" + tag elif container is not None and filename is not None: raise SPYError("container and filename cannot be used at the same time") if not isinstance(filename, str): raise SPYTypeError(filename, varname="filename", expected="str") # add extension if not part of the filename if "." not in os.path.splitext(filename)[1]: filename += out._classname_to_extension() if not isinstance(overwrite, bool): raise SPYTypeError(overwrite, varname="overwrite", expected="bool") # Parse filename for validity and construct full path to HDF5 file fileInfo = filename_parser(filename) if fileInfo["extension"] != out._classname_to_extension(): raise SPYError( """Extension in filename ('{ext}') does not match data class ({dclass}), expected '{exp}'.""".format( ext=fileInfo["extension"], dclass=out.__class__.__name__, exp=out._classname_to_extension(), ) ) dataFile = os.path.join(fileInfo["folder"], fileInfo["filename"]) # If `out` is to replace its own on-disk representation, be more careful if overwrite and dataFile == out.filename: replace = True else: replace = False # Prevent `out` from trying to re-create its own data file if replace: h5f = dat = trl = h5f["trialdefinition"] else: if not os.path.exists(fileInfo["folder"]): try: os.makedirs(fileInfo["folder"]) except IOError: raise SPYIOError(fileInfo["folder"]) except Exception as exc: raise exc else: if os.path.exists(dataFile): if not os.path.isfile(dataFile): raise SPYIOError(dataFile) if overwrite: try: h5f = h5py.File(dataFile, mode="w") h5f.close() except Exception as exc: msg = "Cannot overwrite {} - file may still be open. " msg += "Original error message below\n{}" raise SPYError(msg.format(dataFile, str(exc))) else: raise SPYIOError(dataFile, exists=True) h5f = h5py.File(dataFile, mode="w") # Save each member of `_hdfFileDatasetProperties` in target HDF file for datasetName in out._hdfFileDatasetProperties: dataset = getattr(out, "_" + datasetName) if dataset is not None: spy.log( f"Writing dataset '{datasetName}' ({len(out._hdfFileDatasetProperties)} datasets total) to HDF5 file '{dataFile}'.", level="DEBUG", ) dat = h5f.create_dataset(datasetName, data=dataset) else: spy.log( f"Not writing 'None 'dataset '{datasetName}' ({len(out._hdfFileDatasetProperties)} datasets total) to HDF5 file '{dataFile}'.", level="DEBUG", ) # Now write trial-related information trl_arr = np.array(out.trialdefinition) if replace: trl[()] = trl_arr trl.flush() else: trl = h5f.create_dataset("trialdefinition", data=trl_arr, maxshape=(None, trl_arr.shape[1])) # Write to log already here so that the entry can be exported to json infoFile = dataFile + FILE_EXT["info"] out.log = "Wrote files " + dataFile + "\n\t\t\t" + 2 * " " + infoFile # Assemble dict for JSON output: order things by their "readability" outDict = OrderedDict(startInfoDict) outDict["filename"] = fileInfo["filename"] outDict["dataclass"] = out.__class__.__name__ outDict["data_dtype"] = outDict["data_shape"] = dat.shape outDict["data_offset"] = outDict["trl_dtype"] = outDict["trl_shape"] = trl.shape outDict["trl_offset"] = if isinstance(, np.ndarray): if np.isfortran( outDict["order"] = "F" else: outDict["order"] = "C" for key in out._infoFileProperties: value = getattr(out, key) if isinstance(value, np.ndarray): value = value.tolist() # potentially nested dicts elif isinstance(value, dict): value = dict(value) _dict_converter(value) outDict[key] = value # Save relevant stuff as HDF5 attributes for key in out._hdfFileAttributeProperties: if outDict[key] is None: h5f.attrs[key] = "None" else: try: h5f.attrs[key] = outDict[key] except RuntimeError: msg = ( "Too many entries in `{}` - truncating HDF5 attribute. " + "Please refer to {} for complete listing." ) info_fle = os.path.split(os.path.split(filename.format(ext=FILE_EXT["info"]))[0])[1] info_fle = os.path.join(info_fle, os.path.basename(filename.format(ext=FILE_EXT["info"]))) SPYWarning(msg.format(key, info_fle)) h5f.attrs[key] = [outDict[key][0], "...", outDict[key][-1]] # Save the dataset names that should be loaded later into the JSON. outDict["_hdfFileDatasetProperties"] = list(out._hdfFileDatasetProperties) # Re-assign filename after saving (and remove source in case it came from `__storage__`) if not replace: h5f.close() # points to source file path if __storage__ in out.filename: is_virtual = try: os.unlink(out.filename) if is_virtual: virtual_dir_path = os.path.splitext(out.filename)[0] shutil.rmtree(virtual_dir_path) except PermissionError as ex: spy.log( f"Could not delete file '{out.filename}': {str(ex)}.", level="IMPORTANT", ) = dataFile # Compute checksum and finally write JSON (automatically overwrites existing) outDict["file_checksum"] = hash_file(dataFile) with open(infoFile, "w") as out_json: json.dump(outDict, out_json, indent=4) spy.log(f"Wrote container to {os.path.dirname(out.filename)}", level="INFO")
def _dict_converter(dct, firstrun=True): """ Convert all dict values having NumPy dtypes to corresponding builtin types Also works w/ nested dict of dicts and is cycle-save, i.e., it can handle self-referencing dictionaires. For instance, consider a nested dict w/ back-edge (the dict is no longer an n-ary tree): dct = {} dct["a"] = {} dct["a"]["a.1"] = 3 dct["b"] = {} dct["b"]["b.1"] = 4000 dct["b"]["b.2"] = dct["a"] dct["b"]["b.3"] = dct Here, b.2 points to value of `a` and b.3 is a self-reference. """ global visited if firstrun: visited = set() for key, value in dct.items(): if isinstance(value, dict): if key not in visited: visited.add(key) _dict_converter(dct[key], firstrun=False) elif isinstance(value, list): if key not in visited: visited.add(key) for el in value: if isinstance(el, dict): _dict_converter(el, firstrun=False) elif isinstance(value, np.ndarray): dct[key] = value.tolist() else: if hasattr(value, "item"): value = value.item() try: json.dumps(value) except (TypeError, OverflowError): value = str(value) dct[key] = value return