Source code for syncopy.preproc.resampledata

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Syncopy down-/resampling frontend

# Builtin/3rd party package imports
import numpy as np

# Syncopy imports
from syncopy import AnalogData
from syncopy.shared.parsers import data_parser, scalar_parser

from import get_defaults, get_frontend_cfg
from syncopy.shared.errors import SPYValueError, SPYWarning

from syncopy.shared.kwarg_decorators import (
from syncopy.shared.input_processors import check_passed_kwargs

from .compRoutines import Downsample, Resample, SincFiltering

availableMethods = ("downsample", "resample")

[docs]@unwrap_cfg @unwrap_select @detect_parallel_client def resampledata(data, resamplefs=1.0, method="resample", lpfreq=None, order=None, **kwargs): """ Performs resampling or downsampling of :class:`~syncopy.AnalogData` objects, representing uniformly sampled time series data. Two methods are supported: "downsample" : Take every nth sample The new sampling rate `resamplefs` must be an integer division of the old sampling rate, e. g., 500Hz to 250Hz. NOTE: No anti-aliasing filtering is performed before downsampling, it is strongly recommended to apply a low-pass filter via explicitly setting `lpfreq` to the new Nyquist frequency (`resamplefs / 2`) as cut-off. Alternatively filter the data with :func:`~syncopy.preprocessing` beforehand. "resample" : Resample to a new sampling rate The new sampling rate `resamplefs` can be any (rational) fraction of the original sampling rate (`data.samplerate`). Automatic anti-aliasing FIRWS filtering with the new Nyquist frequency is performed before resampling. Optionally set `lpfreq` in Hz for manual control over the low-pass filtering. Parameters ---------- data : `~syncopy.AnalogData` A non-empty Syncopy :class:`~syncopy.AnalogData` object resamplefs : float The new sampling rate, needs to be an integer division of the original sampling rate for `method='downsample'` lpfreq : None or float, optional Leave at `None` for standard anti-alias filtering with the new Nyquist for `method='resample'` or set explicitly in Hz order : None or int, optional Order (length) of the firws anti-aliasing filter The default `None` will create a filter with a length of 1000 samples Returns ------- resampled : `~syncopy.AnalogData` The resampled dataset with the same shape and dimord as the input `data` Examples -------- In the following `adata` is an instance of :class:`~syncopy.AnalogData` with a samplerate of 2kHz. Downsample (decimate) to 1kHz without low-pass filtering: >>> downsampled = spy.resampledata(adata, method='downsample', resamplefs=1000) Repeat, but this time remove aliases via explicit low-pass filter: >>> downsampled = spy.resampledata(adata, method='downsample', resamplefs=1000, lpfreq=500) Resample to 600Hz, low-pass filtering to new Nyquist is implicit: >>> resampled = spy.resampledata(adata, resamplefs=600) """ # -- Basic input parsing -- if method not in availableMethods: lgl = "'" + "or '".join(opt + "' " for opt in availableMethods) raise SPYValueError(legal=lgl, varname="method", actual=method) # Make sure our one mandatory input object can be processed try: data_parser(data, varname="data", dataclass="AnalogData", writable=None, empty=False) except Exception as exc: raise exc timeAxis = data.dimord.index("time") # if a subset selection is present # get sampleinfo and check for equidistancy if data.selection is not None: sinfo = data.selection.trialdefinition[:, :2] # user picked discrete set of time points else: sinfo = data.sampleinfo lenTrials = np.diff(sinfo).squeeze() # Get everything of interest in local namespace defaults = get_defaults(resampledata) lcls = locals() # check for ineffective additional kwargs check_passed_kwargs(lcls, defaults, frontend_name="resampledata") new_cfg = get_frontend_cfg(defaults, lcls, kwargs) # check resampling frequency scalar_parser(resamplefs, varname="resamplefs", lims=[1, data.samplerate]) # filter order if order is not None: scalar_parser(order, varname="order", lims=[0, np.inf], ntype="int_like") if order < 100: msg = ( "You have chosen an anti-alias filter of very low " f"`order={order}`, expect a slow roll-off!" ) SPYWarning(msg) # set default else: order = int(lenTrials.min()) if lenTrials.min() < 1000 else 1000 # check for anti-alias low-pass filter settings # minimum requirement: new Nyquist limit if lpfreq is not None: scalar_parser(lpfreq, varname="lpfreq", lims=[0, resamplefs / 2]) # -- downsampling -- if method == "downsample": if data.samplerate % resamplefs != 0: lgl = "integer division of the original sampling rate " "for `method='downsample'`" raise SPYValueError(lgl, varname="resamplefs", actual=resamplefs) # explicit low-pass filtering on the fly if lpfreq is not None: AntiAliasFilter = SincFiltering( samplerate=data.samplerate, filter_type="lp", freq=lpfreq, order=order, direction="twopass", timeAxis=timeAxis, ) # keyword dict for logging aa_log_dict = { "filter_type": "lp", "lpfreq": lpfreq, "order": order, "direction": "twopass", } else: AntiAliasFilter = None resampleMethod = Downsample(samplerate=data.samplerate, new_samplerate=resamplefs, timeAxis=timeAxis) # keyword dict for logging log_dict = { "method": method, "resamplefs": resamplefs, "origfs": data.samplerate, } # -- resampling -- elif method == "resample": if data.samplerate % resamplefs == 0: msg = ( "New sampling rate is integeger division of the " "original sampling rate, consider using `method='downsample'`" ) SPYWarning(msg) # has anti-alias filtering included # configured by lpfreq and order resampleMethod = Resample( samplerate=data.samplerate, new_samplerate=resamplefs, lpfreq=lpfreq, order=order, timeAxis=timeAxis, ) # keyword dict for logging log_dict = { "method": method, "resamplefs": resamplefs, "origfs": data.samplerate, "lpfreq": lpfreq, "order": order, } # ------------------------------------ # Call the chosen ComputationalRoutine # ------------------------------------ resampled = AnalogData(dimord=data.dimord) if method == "downsample" and AntiAliasFilter is not None: filtered = AnalogData(dimord=data.dimord) AntiAliasFilter.initialize( data, filtered._stackingDim, chan_per_worker=kwargs.get("chan_per_worker"), keeptrials=True, ) AntiAliasFilter.compute(data, filtered, parallel=kwargs.get("parallel"), log_dict=aa_log_dict) target = filtered else: target = data # just rebinds the name resampleMethod.initialize( target, resampled._stackingDim, chan_per_worker=kwargs.get("chan_per_worker"), keeptrials=True, ) resampleMethod.compute(target, resampled, parallel=kwargs.get("parallel"), log_dict=log_dict) resampled.cfg.update(data.cfg) resampled.cfg.update({"resampledata": new_cfg}) return resampled