Source code for syncopy.shared.computational_routine

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Base class for all computational classes in Syncopy

# Builtin/3rd party package imports
import os
import sys
import psutil
import h5py
import numpy as np
from itertools import chain
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from copy import copy
from import tqdm

if sys.platform == "win32":
    # tqdm breaks term colors on Windows - fix that (tqdm issue #446)
    import colorama


import dask.distributed as dd
import dask_jobqueue as dj

# Local imports
import syncopy as spy
from .tools import get_defaults
from .dask_helpers import check_slurm_available
from syncopy import __storage__, __acme__
from syncopy.shared.errors import (

if __acme__:
    from acme import ParallelMap

    # # In case of problems w/worker-stealing, uncomment the following lines
    # import dask
    # dask.config.set(distributed__scheduler__work_stealing=False)

from syncopy.shared.metadata import parse_cF_returns, h5_add_metadata

__all__ = []

[docs]class ComputationalRoutine(ABC): """Abstract class for encapsulating sequential/parallel algorithms A Syncopy compute class consists of a :class:`ComputationalRoutine`-subclass that binds a static :func:`computeFunction` and provides the class method :meth:`process_metadata`. Requirements for :meth:`computeFunction`: * First positional argument is a :class:`numpy.ndarray`, the keywords `chunkShape` and `noCompute` are supported * Returns a :class:`numpy.ndarray` if `noCompute` is `False` and expected shape and numerical type of output array otherwise. Requirements for :class:`ComputationalRoutine`: * Child of :class:`ComputationalRoutine`, binds :func:`computeFunction` as static method * Provides class method :func:`process_metadata` For details on writing compute classes and metafunctions for Syncopy, please refer to :doc:`/developer/compute_kernels`. """ # Placeholder: the actual workhorse
[docs] @staticmethod def computeFunction(arr, *argv, chunkShape=None, noCompute=None, **kwargs): """Computational core routine Parameters ---------- arr : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Numerical data from a single trial *argv : tuple Arbitrary tuple of positional arguments chunkShape : None or tuple Mandatory keyword. If not `None`, represents global block-size of processed trial. noCompute : None or bool Preprocessing flag. If `True`, do not perform actual calculation but instead return expected shape and :class:`numpy.dtype` of output array. **kwargs: dict Other keyword arguments. Returns ------- out Shape : tuple, if ``noCompute == True`` expected shape of output array outDtype : :class:`numpy.dtype`, if ``noCompute == True`` expected numerical type of output array res : :class:`numpy.ndarray`, if ``noCompute == False`` Result of processing input `arr` Notes ----- This concrete method is a placeholder that is intended to be overloaded. See also -------- ComputationalRoutine : Developer documentation: :doc:`/developer/compute_kernels`. """ return None
[docs] def __init__(self, *argv, **kwargs): """ Instantiate a :class:`ComputationalRoutine` subclass Parameters ---------- *argv : tuple Tuple of positional arguments passed on to :meth:`computeFunction` **kwargs : dict Keyword arguments passed on to :meth:`computeFunction` Returns ------- obj : instance of :class:`ComputationalRoutine`-subclass Usable class instance for processing Syncopy data objects. """ # list of positional arguments to `computeFunction` for all workers, format: # ``self.argv = [3, [0, 1, 1], ('a', 'b', 'c')]`` self.argv = list(argv) # dict of default keyword values accepted by `computeFunction` self.defaultCfg = get_defaults(self.computeFunction) # dict of actual keyword argument values to `computeFunction` provided by user self.cfg = copy(self.defaultCfg) for key in set(self.cfg.keys()).intersection(kwargs.keys()): self.cfg[key] = kwargs[key] # binary flag: if `True`, average across trials, do nothing otherwise self.keeptrials = None # full shape of final output dataset (all trials, all chunks, etc.) self.outputShape = None # numerical type of output dataset self.dtype = None # list of trial numbers to process (either list(range(len(`data.trials`))) or `data.selection.trial_ids`) self.trialList = None # number of trials to process (shortcut for `len(self.trialList)`) self.numTrials = None # number of channel blocks to process per Trial (1 by default, only > 1 if # `chan_per_worker` is not `None`) self.numBlocksPerTrial = None # actual number of parallel calls to `computeFunction` to perform # (if `chan_per_worker` is `None`, then `numCalls` = `numTrials`, otherwise # `numCalls` = `numBlocksPerTrial * numTrials`) self.numCalls = None # list of index-tuples for extracting trial-chunks from input HDF5 dataset # >>> MUST be ordered, no repetitions! <<< # indices are ABSOLUTE, i.e., wrt entire dataset, not just current trial! self.sourceLayout = None # list of shape-tuples of input trial-chunks (necessary to restore shape of # arrays that got inflated by scalar selection tuples)) self.sourceShapes = None # list of index-tuples for re-ordering NumPy arrays extracted w/`self.sourceLayout` # >>> can be unordered w/repetitions <<< # indices are RELATIVE, i.e., wrt current trial! self.sourceSelectors = None # list of index-tuples for storing trial-chunk result in output dataset # >>> MUST be ordered, no repetitions! <<< # indices are ABSOLUTE, i.e., wrt entire dataset, not just current trial self.targetLayout = None # list of shape-tuples of trial-chunk results self.targetShapes = None # binary flag: if `True`, use fancy array indexing via `np.ix_` to extract # data from input via `self.sourceLayout` + `self.sourceSelectors`; if `False`, # only use `self.sourceLayout` (selections ordered, no reps) self.useFancyIdx = None # integer, max. memory footprint of largest input array piece (in bytes) self.chunkMem = None # instance of ACME's `ParallelMap` to handle actual parallel computing workload self.pmap = None # directory for storing source-HDF5 files making up virtual output dataset self.virtualDatasetDir = None # h5py layout encoding shape/geometry of file sources within virtual output dataset self.VirtualDatasetLayout = None # name of temporary datasets (only relevant for virtual output datasets) self.virtualDatasetNames = "chk" # placeholder name for (temporary) output datasets self.tmpDsetName = None # Name of output HDF5 file self.outFileName = None # name of target HDF5 dataset in output object self.outDatasetName = "data" # tmp holding var for preserving original access mode of `data` self.dataMode = None # time (in seconds) b/w querying state of futures ('pending' -> 'finished') self.sleepTime = 0.1 # if `True`, enforces use of single-threaded scheduler in `compute_parallel` self.parallelDebug = False # format string for tqdm progress bars in sequential computation self.tqdmFormat = "{desc}: {percentage:3.0f}% |{bar}| {n_fmt}/{total_fmt} [{elapsed}<{remaining}]" # maximal acceptable size (in MB) of any provided positional argument self._maxArgSize = 100 # counter and maximal recursion depth for calling `self._sizeof` self._callMax = 10000 self._callCount = 0
[docs] def initialize(self, data, out_stackingdim, chan_per_worker=None, keeptrials=True): """ Perform dry-run of calculation to determine output shape Parameters ---------- data : syncopy data object Syncopy data object to be processed (has to be the same object that is passed to :meth:`compute` for the actual calculation). out_stackingdim : int Index of data dimension for stacking trials in output object chan_per_worker : None or int Number of channels to be processed by each worker (only relevant in case of concurrent processing). If `chan_per_worker` is `None` (default) by-trial parallelism is used, i.e., each worker processes data corresponding to a full trial. If `chan_per_worker > 0`, trials are split into channel-groups of size `chan_per_worker` (+ rest if the number of channels is not divisible by `chan_per_worker` without remainder) and workers are assigned by-trial channel-groups for processing. keeptrials : bool Flag indicating whether to return individual trials or average Returns ------- Nothing : None Notes ----- This class method **has** to be called prior to performing the actual computation realized in :meth:`computeFunction`. See also -------- compute : core routine performing the actual computation """ # First store `keeptrial` keyword value (important for output shapes below) self.keeptrials = keeptrials # Determine if data-selection was provided; if so, extract trials and check # whether selection requires fancy array indexing if data.selection is not None: self.trialList = data.selection.trial_ids self.useFancyIdx = data.selection._useFancy else: self.trialList = list(range(len(data.trials))) self.useFancyIdx = False self.numTrials = len(self.trialList) # Prepare dryrun arguments and determine geometry of trials in output dryRunKwargs = copy(self.cfg) dryRunKwargs["noCompute"] = True chk_list = [] dtp_list = [] trials = [] for tk, trialno in enumerate(self.trialList): trial = data._preview_trial(trialno) trlArg = tuple( arg[tk] if isinstance(arg, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)) and len(arg) == self.numTrials else arg for arg in self.argv ) chunkShape, dtype = self.computeFunction(trial, *trlArg, **dryRunKwargs) chk_list.append(list(chunkShape)) dtp_list.append(dtype) trials.append(trial) # Determine trial stacking dimension and compute aggregate shape of output stackingDim = out_stackingdim totalSize = sum(cShape[stackingDim] for cShape in chk_list) outputShape = list(chunkShape) if stackingDim < 0 or stackingDim >= len(outputShape): msg = "valid trial stacking dimension" raise SPYTypeError(out_stackingdim, varname="out_stackingdim", expected=msg) outputShape[stackingDim] = totalSize # The aggregate shape is computed as max across all chunks chk_arr = np.array(chk_list) chunkShape = tuple(chk_arr.max(axis=0)) if np.unique(chk_arr[:, stackingDim]).size > 1 and not self.keeptrials: err = "Averaging trials of unequal lengths in output currently not supported!" raise NotImplementedError(err) if np.any([dtp_list[0] != dtp for dtp in dtp_list]): lgl = "unique output dtype" act = "{} different output dtypes".format(np.unique(dtp_list).size) raise SPYValueError(legal=lgl, varname="dtype", actual=act) # Save determined shapes and data type self.outputShape = tuple(outputShape) self.cfg["chunkShape"] = chunkShape self.dtype = np.dtype(dtp_list[0]) # Ensure channel parallelization can be done at all if chan_per_worker is not None and "channel" not in data.dimord: msg = "input object does not contain `channel` dimension for parallelization!" SPYWarning(msg) chan_per_worker = None if chan_per_worker is not None and self.keeptrials is False: msg = "trial-averaging does not support channel-block parallelization!" SPYWarning(msg) chan_per_worker = None if data.selection is not None: if chan_per_worker is not None and != slice(None, None, 1): msg = ( "channel selection and simultaneous channel-block " + "parallelization not yet supported!" ) SPYWarning(msg) chan_per_worker = None # Allocate control variables trial = trials[0] trlArg0 = tuple( arg[0] if isinstance(arg, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)) and len(arg) == self.numTrials else arg for arg in self.argv ) chunkShape0 = tuple(chk_arr[0, :]) lyt = [slice(0, stop) for stop in chunkShape0] sourceLayout = [] sourceShapes = [] targetLayout = [] targetShapes = [] c_blocks = [1] # If parallelization across channels is requested the first trial is # split up into several chunks that need to be processed/allocated if chan_per_worker is not None: # Set up channel-chunking: `c_blocks` holds channel blocks per trial nChannels = rem = int(nChannels % chan_per_worker) c_blocks = [chan_per_worker] * int(nChannels // chan_per_worker) + [rem] * int(rem > 0) inchanidx = data.dimord.index("channel") # Perform dry-run w/first channel-block of first trial to identify # changes in output shape w.r.t. full-trial output (`chunkShape`) shp = list(trial.shape) idx = list(trial.idx) shp[inchanidx] = c_blocks[0] idx[inchanidx] = slice(0, c_blocks[0]) trial.shape = tuple(shp) trial.idx = tuple(idx) res, _ = self.computeFunction(trial, *trlArg0, **dryRunKwargs) outchan = [dim for dim in res if dim not in chunkShape0] if len(outchan) != 1: lgl = "exactly one output dimension to scale w/channel count" act = "{0:d} dimensions affected by varying channel count".format(len(outchan)) raise SPYValueError(legal=lgl, varname="chan_per_worker", actual=act) outchanidx = res.index(outchan[0]) # Get output chunks and grid indices for first trial chanstack = 0 blockstack = 0 for block in c_blocks: shp = list(trial.shape) idx = list(trial.idx) shp[inchanidx] = block idx[inchanidx] = slice(blockstack, blockstack + block) trial.shape = tuple(shp) trial.idx = tuple(idx) res, _ = self.computeFunction(trial, *trlArg0, **dryRunKwargs) lyt[outchanidx] = slice(chanstack, chanstack + res[outchanidx]) targetLayout.append(tuple(lyt)) targetShapes.append(tuple([slc.stop - slc.start for slc in lyt])) sourceLayout.append(trial.idx) sourceShapes.append(trial.shape) chanstack += res[outchanidx] blockstack += block # Simple: consume all channels simultaneously, i.e., just take the entire trial else: targetLayout.append(tuple(lyt)) targetShapes.append(chunkShape0) sourceLayout.append(trial.idx) sourceShapes.append(trial.shape) # Construct dimensional layout of output and append remaining trials to input layout stacking = targetLayout[0][stackingDim].stop for tk in range(1, self.numTrials): trial = trials[tk] trlArg = tuple( arg[tk] if isinstance(arg, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)) and len(arg) == self.numTrials else arg for arg in self.argv ) chkshp = chk_list[tk] lyt = [slice(0, stop) for stop in chkshp] lyt[stackingDim] = slice(stacking, stacking + chkshp[stackingDim]) stacking += chkshp[stackingDim] if chan_per_worker is None: targetLayout.append(tuple(lyt)) targetShapes.append(tuple([slc.stop - slc.start for slc in lyt])) sourceLayout.append(trial.idx) sourceShapes.append(trial.shape) else: chanstack = 0 blockstack = 0 for block in c_blocks: shp = list(trial.shape) idx = list(trial.idx) shp[inchanidx] = block idx[inchanidx] = slice(blockstack, blockstack + block) trial.shape = tuple(shp) trial.idx = tuple(idx) res, _ = self.computeFunction(trial, *trlArg, **dryRunKwargs) # FauxTrial lyt[outchanidx] = slice(chanstack, chanstack + res[outchanidx]) targetLayout.append(tuple(lyt)) targetShapes.append(tuple([slc.stop - slc.start for slc in lyt])) sourceLayout.append(trial.idx) sourceShapes.append(trial.shape) chanstack += res[outchanidx] blockstack += block # Infer how many concurrent `computeFunction` calls we're about to execute self.numBlocksPerTrial = len(c_blocks) self.numCalls = self.numBlocksPerTrial * self.numTrials # If the determined source layout contains unordered lists and/or index # repetitions, set `self.useFancyIdx` to `True` and prepare a separate # `sourceSelectors` list that is used in addition to `sourceLayout` for # data extraction. # In this case `sourceLayout` uses ABSOLUTE indices (indices wrt to size # of ENTIRE DATASET) that are SORTED W/O REPS to extract a NumPy array # of appropriate size from HDF5. # Then `sourceSelectors` uses RELATIVE indices (indices wrt to size of CURRENT # TRIAL) that can be UNSORTED W/REPS to actually perform the requested # selection on the NumPy array extracted w/`sourceLayout`. for grd in sourceLayout: if any( [np.diff(sel).min() <= 0 if isinstance(sel, list) and len(sel) > 1 else False for sel in grd] ): self.useFancyIdx = True break if self.useFancyIdx: sourceSelectors = [] for gk, grd in enumerate(sourceLayout): ingrid = list(grd) sigrid = [] for sk, sel in enumerate(grd): if np.issubdtype(type(sel), np.number): sel = [sel] if isinstance(sel, list): selarr = np.array(sel, dtype=np.intp) else: # sel is a slice step = sel.step if sel.step is None: step = 1 selarr = np.array(list(range(sel.start, sel.stop, step)), dtype=np.intp) if selarr.size > 0: sigrid.append(np.array(selarr) - selarr.min()) ingrid[sk] = slice(selarr.min(), selarr.max() + 1, 1) else: sigrid.append([]) ingrid[sk] = [] sourceSelectors.append(tuple(sigrid)) sourceLayout[gk] = tuple(ingrid) else: sourceSelectors = [Ellipsis] * self.numCalls # Store determined shapes and grid layout self.sourceLayout = sourceLayout self.sourceShapes = sourceShapes self.sourceSelectors = sourceSelectors self.targetLayout = targetLayout self.targetShapes = targetShapes # Compute max. memory footprint of chunks if chan_per_worker is None: self.chunkMem =["chunkShape"]) * self.dtype.itemsize else: self.chunkMem = max([ for shp in self.targetShapes]) * self.dtype.itemsize # Get data access mode (only relevant for parallel reading access) self.dataMode = data.mode
[docs] def compute( self, data, out, parallel=False, parallel_store=None, method=None, mem_thresh=0.5, log_dict=None, parallel_debug=False, ): """ Central management and processing method Parameters ---------- data : syncopy data object Syncopy data object to be processed (has to be the same object that was used by :meth:`initialize` in the pre-calculation dry-run). out : syncopy data object Empty object for holding results parallel : bool If `True`, processing is performed in parallel (i.e., :meth:`computeFunction` is executed concurrently across trials). If `parallel` is `False`, :meth:`computeFunction` is executed consecutively trial after trial (i.e., the calculation realized in :meth:`computeFunction` is performed sequentially). parallel_store : None or bool Flag controlling saving mechanism. If `None`, ``parallel_store = parallel``, i.e., the compute-paradigm dictates the employed writing method. Thus, in case of parallel processing, results are written in a fully concurrent manner (each worker saves its own local result segment on disk as soon as it is done with its part of the computation). If `parallel_store` is `False` and `parallel` is `True` the processing result is saved sequentially using a mutex. If both `parallel` and `parallel_store` are `False` standard single-process HDF5 writing is employed for saving the result of the (sequential) computation. method : None or str If `None` the predefined methods :meth:`compute_parallel` or :meth:`compute_sequential` are used to control the actual computation (specifically, calling :meth:`computeFunction`) depending on whether `parallel` is `True` or `False`, respectively. If `method` is a string, it has to specify the name of an alternative (provided) class method (starting with the word `"compute_"`). mem_thresh : float Fraction of available memory required to perform computation. By default, the largest single trial result must not occupy more than 50% (``mem_thresh = 0.5``) of available single-machine or worker memory (if `parallel` is `False` or `True`, respectively). log_dict : None or dict If `None`, the `log` properties of `out` is populated with the employed keyword arguments used in :meth:`computeFunction`. Otherwise, `out`'s `log` properties are filled with items taken from `log_dict`. parallel_debug : bool If `True`, concurrent processing is performed using a single-threaded scheduler, i.e., all parallel computing task are run in the current Python thread permitting usage of tools like `pdb`/`ipdb`, `cProfile` and the like in :meth:`computeFunction`. Note that enabling parallel debugging effectively runs the given computation on the calling machine locally thereby requiring sufficient memory and CPU capacity. Returns ------- Nothing : None The result of the computation is available in `out` once :meth:`compute` terminated successfully. Notes ----- This routine calls several other class methods to perform all necessary pre- and post-processing steps in a fully automatic manner without requiring any user-input. Specifically, the following class methods are invoked consecutively (in the given order): 1. :meth:`preallocate_output` allocates a (virtual) HDF5 dataset of appropriate dimension for storing the result 2. :meth:`compute_parallel` (or :meth:`compute_sequential`) performs the actual computation via concurrently (or sequentially) calling :meth:`computeFunction` 3. :meth:`process_metadata` attaches all relevant meta-information to the result `out` after successful termination of the calculation 4. :meth:`write_log` stores employed input arguments in `out.cfg` and `out.log` to reproduce all relevant computational steps that generated `out`. Parallel processing setup and input sanitization is performed by `ACME <>`_. Specifically, all necessary information for parallel execution and storage of results is propagated to the :class:`~acme.ParallelMap` context manager. See also -------- initialize : pre-calculation preparations preallocate_output : storage provisioning compute_parallel : concurrent computation using :meth:`computeFunction` compute_sequential : sequential computation using :meth:`computeFunction` process_metadata : management of meta-information write_log : log-entry organization acme.ParallelMap : concurrent execution of Python callables """ # By default, use VDS storage for parallel computing if parallel_store is None: parallel_store = parallel # Do not spill trials on disk if they're supposed to be removed anyway if parallel_store and not self.keeptrials: msg = "trial-averaging only supports sequential storage, disabling parallel storage mode!" SPYWarning(msg) parallel_store = False # Create HDF5 dataset of appropriate dimension self.preallocate_output(out, parallel_store=parallel_store) log_dict = {} if log_dict is None else log_dict log_dict["used_parallel"] = str(parallel) if parallel: # Construct list of dicts that will be passed on to workers: in the # parallel case, `trl_dat` is a dictionary! # Use the trial IDs from the selection, so we have absolute trial indices. trial_ids = data.selection.trial_ids if data.selection is not None else range(self.numTrials) # Use trial_ids and chunk_ids to turn into a unique index. if ( self.numBlocksPerTrial == 1 ): # The simple case: 1 call per trial. We add a chunk id (the trailing `_0` to be consistent with # the more complex case, but the chunk index is always `0`). unique_key = ["__" + str(trial_id) + "_0" for trial_id in trial_ids] else: # The more complex case: channel parallelization is active, we need to add the chunk to the # trial ID for the key to be unique, as a trial will be split into several chunks. trial_ids = np.repeat(trial_ids, self.numBlocksPerTrial) chunk_ids = np.tile(np.arange(self.numBlocksPerTrial), self.numTrials) unique_key = [ "__" + str(trial_id) + "_" + str(chunk_id) for trial_id, chunk_id in zip(trial_ids, chunk_ids) ] workerDicts = [ { "keeptrials": self.keeptrials, "infile": data.filename, "indset":, "ingrid": self.sourceLayout[chk], "inshape": self.sourceShapes[chk], "sigrid": self.sourceSelectors[chk], "fancy": self.useFancyIdx, "vdsdir": self.virtualDatasetDir, "outfile": self.outFileName.format(chk), "outdset": self.tmpDsetName, "outgrid": self.targetLayout[chk], "outshape": self.targetShapes[chk], "dtype": self.dtype, "call_id": unique_key[chk], } for chk in range(self.numCalls) ] # If channel-block parallelization has been set up, positional args of # `computeFunction` need to be massaged: any list whose elements represent # trial-specific args, needs to be expanded (so that each channel-block # per trial receives the correct number of pos. args) ArgV = list(self.argv) if self.numBlocksPerTrial > 1: for ak, arg in enumerate(self.argv): if isinstance(arg, (list, tuple)): if len(arg) == self.numTrials: unrolled = chain.from_iterable([[ag] * self.numBlocksPerTrial for ag in arg]) if isinstance(arg, list): ArgV[ak] = list(unrolled) else: ArgV[ak] = tuple(unrolled) elif isinstance(arg, np.ndarray): if len(arg.squeeze().shape) == 1 and arg.squeeze().size == self.numTrials: ArgV[ak] = np.array( chain.from_iterable([[ag] * self.numBlocksPerTrial for ag in arg]) ) # Positional args for `process_io` wrapped computeFunctions consist of `trl_dat` + others # (stored in `ArgV`). Account for this when seeting up `ParallelMap` if len(ArgV) == 0: self.inargs = (workerDicts,) else: self.inargs = (workerDicts, *ArgV) # Store provided debugging state for ACME self.parallelDebug = parallel_debug # store mem_thresh self.mem_thresh = mem_thresh # Now for the sequential processing case. else: # We only check memory memSize = psutil.virtual_memory().available if self.chunkMem >= mem_thresh * memSize: self.chunkMem /= 1024**3 memSize /= 1024**3 msg = ( "Single-trial processing requires {0:2.2f} GB of memory " "which is larger than the available " "memory ({1:2.2f} GB)" ) raise SPYParallelError(msg.format(2 * self.chunkMem, memSize)) # The `method` keyword can be used to override the `parallel` flag if method is None: if parallel: computeMethod = self.compute_parallel else: computeMethod = self.compute_sequential else: computeMethod = getattr(self, "compute_" + method, None) # Ensure `data` is openend read-only to permit (potentially concurrent) # reading access to backing device on disk data.mode = "r" # Perform actual computation computeMethod(data, out) # Reset data access mode data.mode = self.dataMode # Attach computed results to output object = h5py.File(out.filename, mode="r+")[self.outDatasetName] # Store meta-data, write log and get outta here self.process_metadata(data, out) self.write_log(data, out, log_dict)
[docs] def preallocate_output(self, out, parallel_store=False): """ Storage allocation and provisioning Parameters ---------- out : syncopy data object Empty object for holding results parallel_store : bool If `True`, a directory for virtual source files is created in Syncopy's temporary on-disk storage (defined by `syncopy.__storage__`). Otherwise, a dataset of appropriate type and shape is allocated in a new regular HDF5 file created inside Syncopy's temporary storage folder. Returns ------- Nothing : None See also -------- compute : management routine controlling memory pre-allocation """ # In case parallel writing via VDS storage is requested, prepare # directory for by-chunk HDF5 files and construct virtual HDF layout if parallel_store: vdsdir = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(out.filename))[0] self.virtualDatasetDir = os.path.join(__storage__, vdsdir) os.mkdir(self.virtualDatasetDir) layout = h5py.VirtualLayout(shape=self.outputShape, dtype=self.dtype) for k, idx in enumerate(self.targetLayout): fname = os.path.join(self.virtualDatasetDir, "{0:d}.h5".format(k)) # Catch empty selections: don't map empty sources into the layout of the VDS if all([sel for sel in self.sourceLayout[k]]): layout[idx] = h5py.VirtualSource( fname, self.virtualDatasetNames, shape=self.targetShapes[k] ) self.VirtualDatasetLayout = layout self.outFileName = os.path.join(self.virtualDatasetDir, "{0:d}.h5") self.tmpDsetName = self.virtualDatasetNames # Create regular HDF5 dataset for sequential writing else: # The shape of the target depends on trial-averaging if not self.keeptrials: shp = self.cfg["chunkShape"] else: shp = self.outputShape with h5py.File(out.filename, mode="w") as h5f: h5f.create_dataset(name=self.outDatasetName, dtype=self.dtype, shape=shp) self.outFileName = out.filename self.tmpDsetName = self.outDatasetName
[docs] def compute_parallel(self, data, out): """ Concurrent computing kernel Parameters ---------- data : syncopy data object Syncopy data object, ignored for parallel case. The input data information is already contained in the workerdicts, which are stored in `self.pmap` (expanded from the `inargs` in `compute()`) and can be accessed from it. out : syncopy data object Empty object for holding results Returns ------- Nothing : None Notes ----- The actual reading of source data and writing of results is managed by the decorator :func:`syncopy.shared.kwarg_decorators.process_io`. See also -------- compute : management routine invoking parallel/sequential compute kernels compute_sequential : serial processing counterpart of this method """ # Let ACME take care of argument distribution and memory checks: note # that `cfg` is trial-independent, i.e., we can simply throw it in here! if __acme__ and check_slurm_available(): self.pmap = ParallelMap( self.computeFunction, *self.inargs, n_inputs=self.numCalls, write_worker_results=False, write_pickle=False, partition="auto", n_workers="auto", mem_per_worker="auto", setup_timeout=60, setup_interactive=False, stop_client="auto", verbose=None, logfile=None, **self.cfg ) # Edge-case correction: if by chance, any array-like element `x` of `cfg` # satisfies `len(x) = numCalls`, `ParallelMap` attempts to tear open `x` and # distribute its elements across workers. Prevent this! if self.numCalls > 1: for key, value in self.pmap.kwargv.items(): if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): if len(value) == self.numCalls: self.pmap.kwargv[key] = [value] elif isinstance(value, np.ndarray): if len(value.squeeze().shape) == 1 and value.squeeze().size == self.numCalls: self.pmap.kwargv[key] = [value] # Check if trials actually fit into memory before we start computation client = self.pmap.daemon.client # fallback to any client we can connect to else: self.pmap = None try: client = dd.get_client() except ValueError: raise SPYParallelError("Could not connect to a running Dask client") # --- some sanity checks before computations --- if isinstance(client.cluster, (dd.LocalCluster, dj.SLURMCluster)): workerMem = [w["memory_limit"] for w in client.cluster.scheduler_info["workers"].values()] if len(workerMem) == 0: raise SPYParallelError("no online workers found", client=client) workerMemMax = max(workerMem) if self.chunkMem >= self.mem_thresh * workerMemMax: self.chunkMem /= 1024**3 workerMemMax /= 1000**3 msg = ( "Single-trial processing requires {0:2.2f} GB of memory " "which is larger than the available " "worker memory ({1:2.2f} GB)" ) raise SPYParallelError(msg.format(2 * self.chunkMem, workerMemMax)) # --- trigger actual computation --- if self.pmap is not None: # Let ACME do the heavy lifting with self.pmap as pm: pm.compute(debug=self.parallelDebug) # use our own client and map over workerdicts + cfg else: # we have to prepare a well behaved iterable where for each call n # we have a tuple like (wdict[n], argv1_seq[n], argv2) passed to the cF # by the Dask client mapping workerDicts = self.inargs[0] if len(self.inargs) > 1: iterables = [] ArgV = self.inargs[1:] for nblock, wdict in enumerate(workerDicts): argv = tuple( arg[nblock] if isinstance(arg, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)) and len(arg) # these are the argv_seq == len(workerDicts) # each call gets one element of a sequence type argv else arg for arg in ArgV ) iterables.append((wdict, *argv)) # no *args for the cF else: iterables = workerDicts futures =, iterables, **self.cfg) # similar to tqdm progress bar dd.progress(futures) # actual results get handled by hdf5 operations inside `process_io` client.gather(futures) # When writing concurrently, now's the time to finally create the virtual dataset # by referencing the individual hdf5 datasets created by the IO decorator if self.virtualDatasetDir is not None: with h5py.File(out.filename, mode="w") as h5f: h5f.create_virtual_dataset(self.outDatasetName, self.VirtualDatasetLayout) # If trial-averaging was requested, normalize computed sum to get mean if not self.keeptrials: with h5py.File(out.filename, mode="r+") as h5f: h5f[self.outDatasetName][()] /= self.numTrials h5f.flush()
[docs] def compute_sequential(self, data, out): """ Sequential computing kernel Parameters ---------- data : syncopy data object Syncopy data object to be processed out : syncopy data object Empty object for holding results Returns ------- Nothing : None Notes ----- This method most closely reflects classic iterative process execution: trials in `data` are passed sequentially to :meth:`computeFunction`, results are stored consecutively in a regular HDF5 dataset (that was pre-allocated by :meth:`preallocate_output`). Since the calculation result is immediately stored on disk, propagation of arrays across routines is avoided and memory usage is kept to a minimum. See also -------- compute : management routine invoking parallel/sequential compute kernels compute_parallel : concurrent processing counterpart of this method """ sourceObj = h5py.File(data.filename, mode="r")[] # Iterate over (selected) trials and write directly to target HDF5 dataset with h5py.File(out.filename, "r+") as h5fout: target = h5fout[self.outDatasetName] for nblock in tqdm(range(self.numTrials), bar_format=self.tqdmFormat, disable=None): # Extract respective indexing tuples from constructed lists ingrid = self.sourceLayout[nblock] sigrid = self.sourceSelectors[nblock] outgrid = self.targetLayout[nblock] argv = tuple( arg[nblock] if isinstance(arg, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)) and len(arg) == self.numTrials else arg for arg in self.argv ) # Catch empty source-array selections; this workaround is not # necessary for h5py version 2.10+ (see if any([not sel for sel in ingrid]): res = np.empty(self.targetShapes[nblock], dtype=self.dtype) else: # Get source data as NumPy array if self.useFancyIdx: arr = np.array(sourceObj[tuple(ingrid)])[np.ix_(*sigrid)] else: arr = np.array(sourceObj[tuple(ingrid)]) sourceObj.flush() # Ensure input array shape was not inflated by scalar selection # tuple, e.g., ``e=np.ones((2,2)); e[0,:].shape = (2,)`` not ``(1,2)`` # (use an explicit `shape` assignment here to avoid copies) arr.shape = self.sourceShapes[nblock] # Perform computation res, details = parse_cF_returns(self.computeFunction(arr, *argv, **self.cfg)) # In case scalar selections have been performed, explicitly assign # desired output shape to re-create "lost" singleton dimensions # (use an explicit `shape` assignment here to avoid copies) res.shape = self.targetShapes[nblock] trial_idx = data.selection.trial_ids[nblock] if data.selection is not None else nblock h5_add_metadata(h5fout, details, unique_key_suffix=trial_idx) # Either write result to `outgrid` location in `target` or add it up if self.keeptrials: target[outgrid] = res else: target[()] += res # Flush every iteration to avoid memory leakage h5fout.flush() # If trial-averaging was requested, normalize computed sum to get mean if not self.keeptrials: target[()] /= self.numTrials # If source was HDF5 file, close it to prevent access errors sourceObj.file.close()
[docs] def write_log(self, data, out, log_dict=None): """ Processing of output log Parameters ---------- data : syncopy data object Syncopy data object that has been processed out : syncopy data object Syncopy data object holding calculation results log_dict : None or dict If `None`, the `log` properties of `out` is populated with the employed keyword arguments used in :meth:`computeFunction`. Otherwise, `out`'s `log` properties are filled with items taken from `log_dict`. Returns ------- Nothing : None See also -------- process_metadata : Management of meta-information """ # Copy log from source object and write header out._log = str(data._log) + out._log logHead = "computed {name:s} with settings\n".format(name=self.computeFunction.__name__) # Prepare keywords used by `computeFunction` (sans implementation-specific stuff) cfg = dict(self.cfg) for key in ["noCompute", "chunkShape"]: cfg.pop(key) # Write log and store `cfg` constructed above in corresponding prop of `out` if log_dict is None: log_dict = cfg logOpts = "" for k, v in log_dict.items(): logOpts += "\t{key:s} = {value:s}\n".format( key=k, value=str(v) if len(str(v)) < 80 else str(v)[:30] + ", ..., " + str(v)[-30:], ) out.log = logHead + logOpts
[docs] @abstractmethod def process_metadata(self, data, out): """ Meta-information manager Parameters ---------- data : syncopy data object Syncopy data object that has been processed out : syncopy data object Syncopy data object holding calculation results Returns ------- Nothing : None Notes ----- This routine is an abstract method and is thus intended to be overloaded. Consult the developer documentation (:doc:`/developer/compute_kernels`) for further details. See also -------- write_log : Logging of calculation parameters """ pass
# --- metadata helper functions --- def propagate_properties(in_data, out_data, keeptrials=True, time_axis=False): """ Propagating data class properties (channels, trials, time, ...) from the input object `in_data` to the output object `out_data` and respecting selections. Depending on the CR in question, different propagations are needed. For example AnalogData -> CrossSpectralData (connectivityanalysis) needs a mapping .channel -> .channel_i, .channel_j Whereas AnalogData -> AnalogData (preprocessing) directly propagates the properties from the input to the output (same channels, trialdefinition/time and so on) This function is a general approach to unify the propagation / manipulation of all needed properties done in the `process_metadata` implementations of the respective ComputationalRoutines. Parameters ---------- in_data : Syncopy data object Input object to get attributes from out_data : Syncopy data object Output object to set attributes keeptrials : bool time_axis : bool If `True` `out_data` has a time axis (not just trial stacking) """ # instance checkers is_Analog = lambda data: isinstance(data, spy.AnalogData) is_Spectral = lambda data: isinstance(data, spy.SpectralData) is_CrossSpectral = lambda data: isinstance(data, spy.CrossSpectralData) # attach a dummy selection for easier propagation selection_cleanup = False if in_data.selection is None: in_data.selectdata(inplace=True) selection_cleanup = True # if preserving the data type, propagation is straightforward if in_data.__class__ == out_data.__class__: # Get/set dimensional attributes changed by selection for prop in in_data.selection._dimProps: selection = getattr(in_data.selection, prop) if selection is not None: if np.issubdtype(type(selection), np.number): selection = [selection] setattr(out_data, prop, getattr(in_data, prop)[selection]) if keeptrials: out_data.trialdefinition = in_data.selection.trialdefinition else: # trial average requires equal length trials, so just copy the 1st out_data.trialdefinition = in_data.trialdefinition[0, :][None, :] out_data.samplerate = in_data.samplerate if selection_cleanup: in_data.selection = None return # --- propagate only channels and deal with the rest below--- elif is_Spectral(out_data): chanSec = = np.array([chanSec]) # from one channel to cross-channel data elif (is_Analog(in_data) or is_Spectral(in_data)) and is_CrossSpectral(out_data): chanSec = nChan = len( if[-2:] == (nChan, nChan): out_data.channel_i = np.array([chanSec]) out_data.channel_j = np.array([chanSec]) # else `channelcmb` got used and channel labels # get attached within the respective CR # --- time and trialdefinition --- if not time_axis: # Note that here the `time` axis is only(!) used as stacking dimension if keeptrials: trldef = in_data.selection.trialdefinition for row in range(trldef.shape[0]): trldef[row, :2] = [row, row + 1] out_data.trialdefinition = trldef else: # only single trial on the time stacking dim. out_data.trialdefinition = np.array([[0, 1, 0]]) out_data.samplerate = in_data.samplerate # this captures active in-place selections on the time axis else: if keeptrials: out_data.trialdefinition = in_data.selection.trialdefinition # just copy 1st trial, have to be all equal anyways else: out_data.trialdefinition = in_data.selection.trialdefinition[0, :][None, :] # this might bite us out_data.samplerate = in_data.samplerate if selection_cleanup: in_data.selection = None in_data.cfg.pop("selectdata")