Source code for syncopy.statistics.summary_stats

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Syncopy object simple summary statistics (mean, std, ...)

# Builtin/3rd party package imports
import numpy as np
import logging
import platform

# Local imports
# from .selectdata import _get_selection_size
from syncopy.shared.parsers import data_parser
from syncopy.shared.errors import SPYValueError, SPYWarning
from syncopy.statistics.compRoutines import NumpyStatDim
from syncopy.shared.kwarg_decorators import unwrap_select, detect_parallel_client

__all__ = ["mean", "std", "var", "median", "itc"]

[docs]@unwrap_select @detect_parallel_client def mean(spy_data, dim, keeptrials=True, **kwargs): """ Calculates the average along arbitrary dimensions of a Syncopy data object ``spy_data``. Additional trial averaging can be performed with ``keeptrials=False``. Standalone (only) trial averaging can only be done sequentially and requires ``dim='trials'``. Parameters ---------- spy_data : Syncopy data object The object where an average is to be computed dim : str Dimension label over which to calculate the statistic. Must be present in the ``spy_data`` object, e.g. 'channel' or 'trials' keeptrials : bool Set to ``False`` to trigger additional trial averaging Has no effect if ``dim='trials'``. Returns ------- res : Syncopy data object New object with the desired dimension averaged out """ # call general backend function with desired operation return _statistics(spy_data, operation="mean", dim=dim, keeptrials=keeptrials, **kwargs)
[docs]@unwrap_select @detect_parallel_client def std(spy_data, dim, keeptrials=True, **kwargs): """ Calculates the standard deviation along arbitrary dimensions of a Syncopy data object ``spy_data``. Additional trial averaging can be performed with ``keeptrials=False`` after the standard deviation got calculated. Parameters ---------- spy_data : Syncopy data object The object where a standard deviation is to be computed dim : str Dimension label over which to calculate the statistic. Must be present in the ``spy_data`` object, e.g. 'channel' or 'trials' keeptrials : bool Set to ``False`` to trigger additional trial averaging. Has no effect if ``dim='trials'``. Returns ------- res : Syncopy data object New object with the desired dimension averaged out """ # call general backend function with desired operation return _statistics(spy_data, operation="std", dim=dim, keeptrials=keeptrials, **kwargs)
[docs]@unwrap_select @detect_parallel_client def var(spy_data, dim, keeptrials=True, **kwargs): """ Calculates the variance along arbitrary dimensions of a Syncopy data object ``spy_data``. Additional trial averaging can be performed with ``keeptrials=False`` after the variance got calculated. Parameters ---------- spy_data : Syncopy data object The object where a variance is to be computed. dim : str Dimension label over which to calculate the statistic. Must be present in the ``spy_data`` object, e.g. 'channel' or 'trials'. keeptrials : bool Set to ``False`` to trigger additional trial averaging. Has no effect if ``dim='trials'``. Returns ------- res : Syncopy data object New object with the desired dimension averaged out """ # call general backend function with desired operation return _statistics(spy_data, operation="var", dim=dim, keeptrials=keeptrials, **kwargs)
[docs]@unwrap_select @detect_parallel_client def median(spy_data, dim, keeptrials=True, **kwargs): """ Calculates the median along arbitrary dimensions of a Syncopy data object ``spy_data``. Additional trial averaging can be performed with ``keeptrials=False`` after the median got calculated. Parameters ---------- spy_data : Syncopy data object The object where a median is to be computed. dim : str Dimension label over which to calculate the statistic. Must be present in the ``spy_data`` object, e.g. 'channel' or 'trials' keeptrials : bool Set to ``False`` to trigger additional trial averaging. Has no effect if ``dim='trials'``. Returns ------- res : Syncopy data object New object with the median of the desired dimension """ # call general backend function with desired operation return _statistics(spy_data, operation="median", dim=dim, keeptrials=keeptrials, **kwargs)
[docs]@unwrap_select def itc(spec_data, **kwargs): r""" Calculates the inter trial coherence for a SpectralData `spec_data` object, the input spectrum needs to be complex. The ITC of N trials is given by the length of the complex mean of vectors `z_i(f)`: .. math:: 1/N \sum_{i=1}^{N} z_i / |z_i| and have therefore values between 0 and 1. In the literature this measure is also often called the `Kuramoto order parameter`. For time-frequency spectra the trial sizes have to match exactly, and the output will be also additionally time dependent. Parameters ---------- spec_data : :class:`~syncopy.SpectralData` The input spectrum, needs at least 2 trials Returns ------- res : :class:`~syncopy.SpectralData` The frequency dependent order parameters, the inter trial coherence """ data_parser(spec_data, varname="spec_data", dataclass="SpectralData", empty=False) if != np.complex64 and != np.complex128: lgl = "complex valued spectra, set `output='fourier` in spy.freqanalysis!" act = "real valued spectral data" raise SPYValueError(lgl, "spec_data", act) logger = logging.getLogger("syncopy_" + platform.node()) logger.debug( f"Computing intertrial coherence on SpectralData instance with shape {}." ) # takes care of remaining checks res = _trial_statistics(spec_data, operation="itc") write_log(spec_data, res, kwargs, op_name="itc") # attach cfg res.cfg.update(spec_data.cfg) return res
def _statistics(spy_data, operation, dim, keeptrials=True, **kwargs): """ Entry point to calculate simple statistics (mean, std, ...) along arbitrary dimensions as long as the selected ``dim`` is contained within the ``dimord`` of the ``spy_data`` or ``dim='trials'``. Additional trial averaging can be triggered as usual with ``keeptrials=False``. For statistics over trials (``dim='trials'``), this function branches into the trial statistics function, which is NOT a CR as we need summary operations over trials, which is always sequential and out of scope of the ComputationalRoutines. However, as we require matching shapes for trial statistics, allocating the output shape is trivial. Parameters ---------- spy_data : Syncopy data object The object where an average is to be computed operation : {'mean', 'std', 'var', 'median'} The statistical operation to perform dim : str Dimension label over which to calculate the statistic. Must be present in the ``spy_data`` object, e.g. 'channel' or 'trials' Returns ------- res : Syncopy data object New object with the desired dimension averaged out See also -------- NumpyStatDim: Compute class for parallel computation of trial-by-trial statistics _trial_statistics: Sequential computation of statistics over trials """ # check that we have a non-empty Syncopy data object data_parser(spy_data, varname="spy_data", empty=False) if dim != "trials" and dim not in spy_data.dimord: lgl = f"one of {spy_data.dimord} or 'trials'" act = dim raise SPYValueError(lgl, "dim", act) log_dict = { "input": spy_data.filename, "operation": operation, "dim": dim, "keeptrials": keeptrials, } logger = logging.getLogger("syncopy_" + platform.node()) logger.debug( f"Computing descriptive statistic {operation} on input from {spy_data.filename} along dimension {dim}, keeptrials={keeptrials}." ) # If no active selection is present, create a "fake" all-to-all selection # to harmonize processing down the road (and attach `_cleanup` attribute for later removal) if spy_data.selection is None: spy_data.selectdata(inplace=True) spy_data.selection._cleanup = True else: # log also possible selections log_dict["selection"] = getattr(spy_data.selection, dim) # trial statistics if dim == "trials": if kwargs.get("parallel"): msg = "Trial statistics can be only computed sequentially, ignoring `parallel` keyword" SPYWarning(msg) out = _trial_statistics(spy_data, operation) # we have to attach the log here as no CR is involved # strip of non-sensical parameter log_dict.pop("keeptrials") write_log(spy_data, out, log_dict, "trial statistics") # any other statistic else: chan_per_worker = kwargs.get("chan_per_worker") if chan_per_worker is not None and "channel" in dim: msg = "Parallelization over channels not possible for channel averages" SPYWarning(msg) chan_per_worker = None axis = spy_data.dimord.index(dim) avCR = NumpyStatDim(operation=operation, axis=axis) # --------------------------------- # Initialize output and call the CR # --------------------------------- # initialize output object of same datatype out = spy_data.__class__(dimord=spy_data.dimord) avCR.initialize( spy_data, spy_data._stackingDim, keeptrials=keeptrials, chan_per_worker=chan_per_worker, ) avCR.compute(spy_data, out, parallel=kwargs.get("parallel"), log_dict=log_dict) # revert helper all-to-all selection if hasattr(spy_data.selection, "_cleanup"): spy_data.cfg.pop("selectdata") spy_data.selection = None # re-attach config out.cfg.update(spy_data.cfg) return out def _trial_statistics(in_data, operation="mean"): """ Calculates simple statistics (mean, std, ...) over trials. No trivial parallelization is possible here, hence we fallback to good ol' sequential computing. For this to work, the shapes of all trials have to match exactly. To be still memory safe, the computations stream new data on a trial-by-trial basis and then 'manually' accumulate trial-by-trial to the result. """ # If no active selection is present, create a "fake" all-to-all selection # to harmonize processing down the road (and attach `_cleanup` attribute for later removal) if in_data.selection is None: in_data.selectdata(inplace=True) in_data.selection._cleanup = True nTrials = len(in_data.selection.trials) if nTrials < 1: lgl = "at least 1 trial" act = f"got {nTrials} trials" raise SPYValueError(lgl, "in_data", act) # index 1st selected trial idx0 = in_data.selection.trial_ids[0] # we always have at least one (all-to-all) trial selection out_shape = in_data.selection.trials[idx0].shape # now look at the other ones for trl in in_data.selection.trials: if trl.shape != out_shape: lgl = "all trials to have the same shape" act = f"found trials of different shape: {out_shape} and {trl.shape}" raise SPYValueError(lgl, "in_data", act) # this is the target array, such that we will have # the data of 2 trials concurrently in memory result = np.zeros(out_shape, # --- now we can compute the desired statistic --- if operation == "mean": result = _trial_average(in_data, result) elif operation == "var": result = _trial_var(in_data, result) elif operation == "std": result = np.sqrt(_trial_var(in_data, result)) elif operation == "itc": # itc is only available for SpectralData # ..get's checked in `spy.itc` above result = _trial_circ_average(in_data, result) # average out tapers (if any) taper_ax = in_data.dimord.index("taper") result = np.mean(result, axis=taper_ax, keepdims=True) # now take the abs to get the resultant vector result = np.abs(result) # silence already digested taper selection in_data.selection._taper = None # there is no apparent clever way to achieve # this efficiently over multiple dimensions elif operation == "median": raise NotImplementedError("Trial median not supported at the moment") # --- Consctruct the single-trial(!) Syncopy output object out_data = in_data.__class__(data=result, dimord=in_data.dimord, samplerate=in_data.samplerate) # only 1 trial left, all trials had to have the same shape # so just copy from the 1st out_data.trialdefinition = in_data.selection.trialdefinition[0, :][None, :] # propagate the rest of the properties for prop in in_data.selection._dimProps: selection = getattr(in_data.selection, prop) if selection is not None: if np.issubdtype(type(selection), np.number): selection = [selection] setattr(out_data, prop, getattr(in_data, prop)[selection]) # revert helper all-to-all selection if hasattr(in_data.selection, "_cleanup"): in_data.cfg.pop("selectdata") in_data.selection = None return out_data def _trial_average(in_data, out_arr): """ Straigthforward sequential trial average. Shape checking and dealing with selections is done in _trial_statistics. Parameters ---------- in_data : Syncopy data object To get a fresh trial indexer instance, pointing to the trial arrays out_arr : np.ndarray The empty NumPy array of correct shape to collect the results """ trials = in_data.selection.trials for trl in trials: out_arr += trl # normalize out_arr /= len(trials) return out_arr def _trial_var(in_data, out_arr): """ Sequential variance over trials. Shape checking and dealing with selections is done in _trial_statistics. Parameters ---------- in_data : Syncopy data object To get a fresh trial indexer instance, pointing to the trial arrays out_arr : np.ndarray The empty NumPy array of correct shape to collect the results """ # first we need the trial average average = np.zeros(out_arr.shape, dtype=out_arr.dtype) average = _trial_average(in_data, average) trials = in_data.selection.trials for trl in trials: # absolute value for complex numbers out_arr += np.abs(trl - average) ** 2 # normalize out_arr /= len(trials) return out_arr def _trial_circ_average(in_data, out_arr): """ Sequential complex average on the unit circle, can be used for inter trial coherence (order parameter) or mean phase estimation. Shape checking and dealing with selections is done in `_trial_statistics`. Parameters ---------- in_data : Syncopy data object of complex dtype, e.g. :class:`~syncopy.SpectralData` Complex valued data out_arr : np.ndarray The empty NumPy array of correct shape to collect the results """ trials = in_data.selection.trials for trl in trials: # add unit vectors on complex plane out_arr += trl / np.abs(trl) # normalize out_arr /= len(trials) # and return complex resultant vector return out_arr # -- Helpers -- def write_log(data, out, log_dict, op_name): """ For trial statistics without CR we take care of the log here """ # Copy log from source object and write header out._log = str(data._log) + out._log logHead = f"computed {op_name} with settings\n" logOpts = "" for k, v in log_dict.items(): logOpts += "\t{key:s} = {value:s}\n".format( key=k, value=str(v) if len(str(v)) < 80 else str(v)[:30] + ", ..., " + str(v)[-30:], ) out.log = logHead + logOpts def _attach_stat_doc(orig_doc): """ NOT USED ATM - could be useful for other method doc strings This is a helper to attach the full doc to the statistical methods in ContinuousData. Including the `select` and `parallel` sections from the kwarg decorators, which can/should only be applied once. It critically depends on the Syncopy object to be named ``spy_data`` and the dimension parameter to be named ``dim`` """ # the wrapper def _attach_doc(func): # delete the `spy_data` entries which # are not needed (got self in the methods) doc = orig_doc.replace(" ``spy_data``", "") idx1 = doc.find("spy_data") idx2 = doc.find("dim", idx1) doc = doc[:idx1] + doc[idx2:] func.__doc__ = doc return func return _attach_doc