

Decorator for handling in-place data selections via select keyword


func (callable) – Typically a Syncopy metafunction such as freqanalysis()


wrapper_select – Wrapped function; wrapper_select extracts select from keywords provided to func and uses it to set the ._selector property of the input object(s). After successfully calling func with the modified input, wrapper_select modifies func itself:

  1. The “Parameters” section in the docstring of func is amended by an entry explaining the usage of select (that mostly points to selectdata()). Note: func’s docstring is only extended if it has a “Parameters” section.

  2. If not already present, select is added as optional keyword (with default value None) to the signature of func.

Return type:



This decorator assumes that func has already been processed by unwrap_cfg() and hence expects func to obey standard Python call signature func(*args, **kwargs). In other words, unwrap_select() is intended as “inner” decorator of metafunctions, for instance

def somefunction(data, kw1="default", kw2=None, **kwargs):

Important The metafunction func must accept “anonymous” keywords via a **kwargs dictionary. This requirement is due to the fact that unwrap_cfg() cowardly refuses to change the byte-code of func, that is, select is not actually added as a new keyword to func, only the corresponding signature is manipulated. Thus, if func does not support a kwargs parameter dictionary, using this decorator will have strange consequences. Specifically, select will show up in func’s signature but it won’t be actually usable:

def somefunction(data, kw1="default", kw2=None):

>>> help(somefunction)
somefunction(data, kw1="default", kw2=None, select=None)
>>> somefunction(data, select=None)
TypeError: somefunction() got an unexpected keyword argument 'select'

See also


Decorator for processing cfg “structs”


controls parallel processing engine via parallel keyword