
class syncopy.specest.compRoutines.WaveletTransform(*argv, **kwargs)[source]#

Compute class that performs time-frequency analysis of AnalogData objects

Sub-class of ComputationalRoutine, see Design Guide: Syncopy Compute Classes for technical details on Syncopy’s compute classes and metafunctions.

See also


parent metafunction

__init__(*argv, **kwargs)#

Instantiate a ComputationalRoutine subclass


obj – Usable class instance for processing Syncopy data objects.

Return type:

instance of ComputationalRoutine-subclass


__init__(*argv, **kwargs)

Instantiate a ComputationalRoutine subclass

compute(data, out[, parallel, ...])

Central management and processing method

computeFunction(trl_dat, preselect, postselect)

This is the middleware for the wavelet() spectral estimation method.

compute_parallel(data, out)

Concurrent computing kernel

compute_sequential(data, out)

Sequential computing kernel

initialize(data, out_stackingdim[, ...])

Perform dry-run of calculation to determine output shape

preallocate_output(out[, parallel_store])

Storage allocation and provisioning

process_metadata(data, out)

Meta-information manager

write_log(data, out[, log_dict])

Processing of output log



static computeFunction(trl_dat, preselect, postselect, toi=None, timeAxis=0, polyremoval=0, output='pow', noCompute=False, chunkShape=None, method_kwargs=None)#

This is the middleware for the wavelet() spectral estimation method.

  • trl_dat (2D numpy.ndarray) – Uniformly sampled multi-channel time-series

  • preselect (slice) – Begin- to end-samples to perform analysis on (trim data to interval). See Notes for details.

  • postselect (list of slices or list of 1D NumPy arrays) – Actual time-points of interest within interval defined by preselect See Notes for details.

  • toi (1D numpy.ndarray or str) – Either time-points to center wavelets on if toi is a numpy.ndarray, or “all” to center wavelets on all samples in trl_dat. Please refer to freqanalysis() for further details.

  • timeAxis (int) – Index of running time axis in trl_dat (0 or 1)

  • polyremoval (int) – Order of polynomial used for de-trending data in the time domain prior to spectral analysis. A value of 0 corresponds to subtracting the mean (“de-meaning”), polyremoval = 1 removes linear trends (subtracting the least squares fit of a linear polynomial). If polyremoval is None, no de-trending is performed.

  • output (str) – Output of spectral estimation; one of availableOutputs

  • noCompute (bool) – Preprocessing flag. If True, do not perform actual calculation but instead return expected shape and numpy.dtype of output array.

  • chunkShape (None or tuple) – If not None, represents shape of output object spec (respecting provided values of scales, preselect, postselect etc.)

  • method_kwargs (dict) – Keyword arguments passed to wavelet() controlling the spectral estimation method


spec – Complex or real time-frequency representation of (padded) input data. Shape is (nTime, 1, len(scales), nChannels), so that the individual spectra per channel can be assessed via spec[:, 1, :, channel].

Return type:



This method is intended to be used as computeFunction() inside a ComputationalRoutine. Thus, input parameters are presumed to be forwarded from a parent metafunction. Consequently, this function does not perform any error checking and operates under the assumption that all inputs have been externally validated and cross-checked.

For wavelets, data concatenation is performed by first trimming trl_dat to an interval of interest (via preselect), then performing the actual wavelet transform, and subsequently extracting the actually wanted time-points (via postselect).

See also


parent metafunction


ComputationalRoutine instance that calls this method as computeFunction()

valid_kws = ['samplerate', 'scales', 'wavelet', 'preselect', 'postselect', 'toi', 'timeAxis', 'polyremoval', 'output', 'noCompute', 'chunkShape', 'width']#
process_metadata(data, out)[source]#

Meta-information manager

  • data (syncopy data object) – Syncopy data object that has been processed

  • out (syncopy data object) – Syncopy data object holding calculation results



Return type:



This routine is an abstract method and is thus intended to be overloaded. Consult the developer documentation (Design Guide: Syncopy Compute Classes) for further details.

See also


Logging of calculation parameters

__init__(*argv, **kwargs)#

Instantiate a ComputationalRoutine subclass


obj – Usable class instance for processing Syncopy data objects.

Return type:

instance of ComputationalRoutine-subclass

compute(data, out, parallel=False, parallel_store=None, method=None, mem_thresh=0.5, log_dict=None, parallel_debug=False)#

Central management and processing method

  • data (syncopy data object) – Syncopy data object to be processed (has to be the same object that was used by initialize() in the pre-calculation dry-run).

  • out (syncopy data object) – Empty object for holding results

  • parallel (bool) – If True, processing is performed in parallel (i.e., computeFunction() is executed concurrently across trials). If parallel is False, computeFunction() is executed consecutively trial after trial (i.e., the calculation realized in computeFunction() is performed sequentially).

  • parallel_store (None or bool) – Flag controlling saving mechanism. If None, parallel_store = parallel, i.e., the compute-paradigm dictates the employed writing method. Thus, in case of parallel processing, results are written in a fully concurrent manner (each worker saves its own local result segment on disk as soon as it is done with its part of the computation). If parallel_store is False and parallel is True the processing result is saved sequentially using a mutex. If both parallel and parallel_store are False standard single-process HDF5 writing is employed for saving the result of the (sequential) computation.

  • method (None or str) – If None the predefined methods compute_parallel() or compute_sequential() are used to control the actual computation (specifically, calling computeFunction()) depending on whether parallel is True or False, respectively. If method is a string, it has to specify the name of an alternative (provided) class method (starting with the word “compute_”).

  • mem_thresh (float) – Fraction of available memory required to perform computation. By default, the largest single trial result must not occupy more than 50% (mem_thresh = 0.5) of available single-machine or worker memory (if parallel is False or True, respectively).

  • log_dict (None or dict) – If None, the log properties of out is populated with the employed keyword arguments used in computeFunction(). Otherwise, out’s log properties are filled with items taken from log_dict.

  • parallel_debug (bool) – If True, concurrent processing is performed using a single-threaded scheduler, i.e., all parallel computing task are run in the current Python thread permitting usage of tools like pdb/ipdb, cProfile and the like in computeFunction(). Note that enabling parallel debugging effectively runs the given computation on the calling machine locally thereby requiring sufficient memory and CPU capacity.


Nothing – The result of the computation is available in out once compute() terminated successfully.

Return type:



This routine calls several other class methods to perform all necessary pre- and post-processing steps in a fully automatic manner without requiring any user-input. Specifically, the following class methods are invoked consecutively (in the given order):

  1. preallocate_output() allocates a (virtual) HDF5 dataset of appropriate dimension for storing the result

  2. compute_parallel() (or compute_sequential()) performs the actual computation via concurrently (or sequentially) calling computeFunction()

  3. process_metadata() attaches all relevant meta-information to the result out after successful termination of the calculation

  4. write_log() stores employed input arguments in out.cfg and out.log to reproduce all relevant computational steps that generated out.

Parallel processing setup and input sanitization is performed by ACME. Specifically, all necessary information for parallel execution and storage of results is propagated to the ParallelMap context manager.

See also


pre-calculation preparations


storage provisioning


concurrent computation using computeFunction()


sequential computation using computeFunction()


management of meta-information


log-entry organization


concurrent execution of Python callables

compute_parallel(data, out)#

Concurrent computing kernel

  • data (syncopy data object) – Syncopy data object, ignored for parallel case. The input data information is already contained in the workerdicts, which are stored in self.pmap (expanded from the inargs in compute()) and can be accessed from it.

  • out (syncopy data object) – Empty object for holding results



Return type:



The actual reading of source data and writing of results is managed by the decorator syncopy.shared.kwarg_decorators.process_io().

See also


management routine invoking parallel/sequential compute kernels


serial processing counterpart of this method

compute_sequential(data, out)#

Sequential computing kernel

  • data (syncopy data object) – Syncopy data object to be processed

  • out (syncopy data object) – Empty object for holding results



Return type:



This method most closely reflects classic iterative process execution: trials in data are passed sequentially to computeFunction(), results are stored consecutively in a regular HDF5 dataset (that was pre-allocated by preallocate_output()). Since the calculation result is immediately stored on disk, propagation of arrays across routines is avoided and memory usage is kept to a minimum.

See also


management routine invoking parallel/sequential compute kernels


concurrent processing counterpart of this method

initialize(data, out_stackingdim, chan_per_worker=None, keeptrials=True)#

Perform dry-run of calculation to determine output shape

  • data (syncopy data object) – Syncopy data object to be processed (has to be the same object that is passed to compute() for the actual calculation).

  • out_stackingdim (int) – Index of data dimension for stacking trials in output object

  • chan_per_worker (None or int) – Number of channels to be processed by each worker (only relevant in case of concurrent processing). If chan_per_worker is None (default) by-trial parallelism is used, i.e., each worker processes data corresponding to a full trial. If chan_per_worker > 0, trials are split into channel-groups of size chan_per_worker (+ rest if the number of channels is not divisible by chan_per_worker without remainder) and workers are assigned by-trial channel-groups for processing.

  • keeptrials (bool) – Flag indicating whether to return individual trials or average



Return type:



This class method has to be called prior to performing the actual computation realized in computeFunction().

See also


core routine performing the actual computation

preallocate_output(out, parallel_store=False)#

Storage allocation and provisioning

  • out (syncopy data object) – Empty object for holding results

  • parallel_store (bool) – If True, a directory for virtual source files is created in Syncopy’s temporary on-disk storage (defined by syncopy.__storage__). Otherwise, a dataset of appropriate type and shape is allocated in a new regular HDF5 file created inside Syncopy’s temporary storage folder.



Return type:


See also


management routine controlling memory pre-allocation

write_log(data, out, log_dict=None)#

Processing of output log

  • data (syncopy data object) – Syncopy data object that has been processed

  • out (syncopy data object) – Syncopy data object holding calculation results

  • log_dict (None or dict) – If None, the log properties of out is populated with the employed keyword arguments used in computeFunction(). Otherwise, out’s log properties are filled with items taken from log_dict.



Return type:


See also


Management of meta-information